Summary: Feminists have finally brought the discussion to the bedroom in popular channels.


This article is sure to make some rage and cry "this doesn't belong on TRP," but the fact of the matter is that this is an example of the societal-scale shit test to which some of you have alluded. It's also from HUFFY-P, so duh, it's gonna be biased.


The great Tomassi often wrote of feminism's effort to enshrine the hypergamous ideal within our culture, and here is blinding confirmation of that truth. Within the article a "queer woman married to a man" calls for a sexual embargo on anyone who exercises sexual selection "no fats, fems, asians." A number of other (controversial) topics are pointed to as indicators of whether or not a man is sex-worthy.

At its core, the message is "you must submit or you won't be getting any." Ironically, those who submit will already have failed the shit test. Talk about a Catch-22. I believe we're witnessing a hamster going into cardiac arrest, and essentially trying to make the alpha / beta distinction more clear than ever.


Hypergamy doesn't care, but increasingly neither do we. My strategy moving forward, if I should be put in a situation where a woman is vetting me based on these criteria, is going to be a good, firm, and much relished "next."

I'm looking forward to hearing whether or not some of the more experienced members of the community have encounter this vetting and how they've handled it.

Stay calm, stay strong.

** EDIT: I didn't post this as a complaint, but /u/DecrepitDelineation brought up a good point. No woman is going to pause mid-hookup and ask "how do you feel about gender normativity?" However, I believe this qualifies as a "societal shit test" because it isn't a stretch of the imagination for it to come up on the first date (for those of you who still go on dates . . . listen to Groupies by Future). Worse, it's just another negative mindset for betas to internalize. I still pitty them.