It is a corollary of the irreconcilability of the male and the female sexual strategies: you either betray your (real or hypothetical) son, favoring the female sexual strategy, or your daughter, favoring the male one. It is not clear, though, especially for traditionally-minded men, where exactly sex-positivity lies in this scheme.

At the core of the male-female difference lies a very simple issue: the price of sex. There are many cultural influences, personal tastes, ideological preoccupations, emphases on reproduction, etc, that color and influence the balancing point in the war of the sexes, but all revolve around this single issue. The cheaper sex is, the more men are favored, the more expensive sex is, the greater power women hold.

I can't help being astonished when people suggest that women, by their flirting requirements, make us men better. They don't. If that was the case, we would all be psychopaths, the one class of men that Game consistently comes natural to. If Game improves you as a man that is only tangentially and coincidentally: finding a purpose and excelling is what made you a better man, rather than learning to win according to the female requirements.

Those said, it is a given, across the ideological board, that the only way for men to procure sex is by getting it legitimately, i.e. by paying women their dues, in terms of conforming to their layed out game. Everything else is considered by the established ideology as "rape", with prostitution being the standing out example.

The pervasive notion that women have a natural right to be the gatekeepers of sex empowers your daughter, but handicaps your son. The pro-female bias inherent in men's psychology makes them support and perpetuate social conventions and expectations that respect women's monopoly over sex, a situation that hurts their sons. This continuing process ultimately hurts men as a whole, since they themselves are their father's sons. At the same time, women shamelessly favor their daughters and semi-intentionally mold their sons into the obedient, placating betas they find useful and convenient to have around, catering to the next generation of their "sister"-women. Sexual deprivation is the means by which women social-engineer their environment into one that it is "natural" and easy for them to navigate. The end result is a pro-woman regime, where pussy is turned into an all-powerful whip.

In light of these observations, I think it is imperative for any male-centered ideology to be sex-positive. Ultimately, all sex-restricting ideologies, by limiting the most sought-after resource for males, hurt men as a whole.

I understand that this assessment is not self-evident: At first sight, the maturation of the early "sexual revolution" into the current "slut culture" has overwhelmingly benefited women and disadvantaged the average man. But this is not seeing the whole picture. This regime has pushed, or allowed, the female strategy into the open. Being fundamentally and profoundly covert, this move spells the its undoing. By removing the element of subterfuge and ideological obfuscation, the female strategy is left with the support of the elite as its single pillar. Practically, it is left with violence as its only pillar, a generalization of the shotgun marriage practice on a universal level. And relying on violence is, indeed, a sign of weakness. For the first time in modern history the female-elite coalition is starting to be exposed, and men have a chance of seeing the truth, their use as expendable cogs, as draft animals, while women and the elite are living a (relative or absolute) life of hedonism. The PUAs, the TRP, Men's Rights Movement, and MGTOW in all its far-reaching spontaneous expressions worldwide, all these movements are threatening a mass unplugging of the average man. Men have benefited because of this newfound, elevated potential.

So, let women be sluts. Let men learn women's true nature. Let men learn the current rate of sex, and plan their lives accordingly. Let them resort to good-old prostitution, if need be. In an age that half of the pregnancies are "unintended", this ideological shift, together with the coming male contraception, is a game-changer. Do you really think that the traditional preaching of sexual prudence to women, making women virgin blackmailers once again, would be a positive outcome for men? Bullshit. Embrace the change. Yes, every person has the full right to decide on who to have sex with. No girl, you no longer have a retirement plan with Beta Joe. Where did all the good men go? Several directions, but in any case away from the old you.

It is still not a full re-institution of the prehistoric balance of the sexes, since women (your daughters!) still get to use their sexual leverage to gain attention, while men are systematically taxed in order to accommodate female needs. But we now have the exciting prospect of seeing women try to cope in a world that, for the first time in millennia, men get to set some of the rules too. Men having the power to set rules - without the old obligation to be a provider. It sounds like fun, no?