Thesis: The reason that women are so confusing to men, and even to themselves is that women have two completely different relationships with a guy: brain and body. Guys have a much tighter bond between brain and body so don't really understand this difference and this is where most of the confusion comes from.

I came upon this realization recently. I had been taking some performance enhancing substances earlier in the year and this had lead to me being a bit of a superman in bed. I stopped taking them because of health concerns and things went back to normal. However, my LTR just couldn't get into it unless it was how I was previously. This tripped me out. I had been alpha widowed by myself! I had a long deep talk with her about this and she said that her brain got it that she still loved me, but her body was rejecting me, it wasn't what it craved.

I really thought this was amusing as all hell and she proceeded to tell me that a lot of women had this kind of thing going on where there body was like a whole separate thing going on with them that they communicated with regularly but their bodies didn't always want the same things as their mind.

Along similar lines, a few years back I had bought some pheromone perfume off the Internet and she got freaked out when I put it on because, to her body, it seemed like I was a different guy ,even though she knew in her head it was me.

This got me back to thinking about all the fun with women I had had in my pre-LTR days and how it had all worked back in the day. It got me thinking about the way women's brains and bodies work differently.

So this lead me back to thinking about the AF/BB paradigm:

M    BB/Friend             LTR Material?
D    Creep                         AF 
---Body Relationship ------------>

The Y axis is your relationship with her mind, the X axis is relationship with her body. In the low X and Low Y you have "Creep". In the High X and Low Y you have "Alpha Fucks". In the High Y and Low X you have "Beta Bucks". In the High Y and High X you might even have some LTR material on your hands.

The way you communicate with her mind is just how you'd establish a friendly relationship with any member of the human race. Cooperate, talk about common interests, share a joke, help each other out with work, etc.

The way you communicate with her body is to touch her, evoke her emotions, her fascination, and or respect for you through her impressions of your confidence and assertiveness, or how you look and, most importantly, how you are in bed. When she shivers when you look at her or touch her, that's you talking with her body.

This is why women will fuck a guy they should totally hate, because their body is addicted to him. This is why they can't get excited about nice guys who haven't formed the proper relationship to their bodies. Their body just isn't into it. Guys are more integrated. For example, guys have a hard time being nice to women who are ugly and are too nice to good looking women.

I think this also explains the male/female difference with regards to porn. Guys brains are more directly connected to their anatomy, while women have to tell their body about things it's not directly experiencing and they don't have the high bandwidth connection that men have between visual stimulus and body. That's why women are more into erotica and fantasizing, because that's more low-level and hooked into their body.

This is also why women cheating is so much more serious than men cheating. If a women's body gets away from her, and she becomes an alpha widow, all the hamstering in the world is not going to bring her body back to loving the guy she cheated on. Guys don't really have that sort of problem because the normal mind relationship and the body relationship are more integrated and they can adapt their bodies to different relationships more easily.

I think this explains a lot of the failure to escalate stuff that causes guys to end up in the friend zone. Anyway, very beta TRP theory here. Let me know what you all think.