I just saw this on yahoo, while I'm inclined to think this is made up, most of us know it's all too real.

DEAR ABBY: I’m in love with my boyfriend, and we’re about to move to a huge college town.

We’ve been dating two years and I want him to be my husband, but at the same time I want to live life. I’m not even 21 yet, and I haven’t experienced life.

I want to go to a bar or club and dance with whomever I want, maybe even have a hookup if it were to come down to it. I have never had a one-night stand and I don’t think I would, but if it came down to it — who knows!

I don’t want to hurt him, but I want him to be happy. He’s happy with me and I’m happy with him. What do I do? How do I tell him I’d like freedom to be a ho? — NEED TO EXPERIENCE LIFE

DEAR NEED TO EXPERIENCE LIFE: Explain to your boyfriend exactly the way you have described it to me, and if he is like 99 percent of the men on this planet, your problem will be solved. “Ho-Ho-Ho!”