Hello friends,

Since discovering the Red Pill I have been made aware of my blue pill beta ways. Now, like many of you, I was somewhat disgusted with what I'd let myself become due to conditioning. I was gaming like a champ, but still in the wrong frame.

With my new knowledge I have been actively doing things in my life to change my ways. To embrace my masculinity. I'm going to share with you my intimate hobbies and I invite you to share yours for our collective benefit:

1. Shaving with a straight razor. This bad ass shaving method uses a lethal sharpened razor that slices through skin like a hot knife through warm butter. Best shave you'll ever have, but you need to be skillful. I sharpen and hone my razor myself. Make my own shaving cream every time I shave (scented Bay Rum) and shave. So fucking alpha. Before that I used to have a fashionable beard. Go to /r/wicked_edge if you want to get started on this.

2. Lockpicking. I bought some military grade lock picks and a practice lock which allows me to set my own pins with varying degrees of difficulty and then learn to pick it myself. I got some instructional videos from /r/baconbits and bought the tools myself online. Its a handy skill to have. Challenging, and will make you a boss the one or two times you wanna use it. Go to /r/lockpicking for more info.

3. Programming in Python. I love games. Specifically final fantasy type games. With Python I am learning to make text based rpg's. I love this shit. Once I get my skills up, I will be able to add basic graphics and actually have a little dude walking around, then doing turn based combat with monsters. It is a very intellectual pursuit. For more info on how to get in this go to /r/learnpython or just download an intro ebook like I did here

3. Guitar. I picked up guitar last year when I was fresh out of a relationship with the worst kind of woman. I needed something to devote my time into. I loved learning everything. A C chord sounds great. Going from C to G is great. learning a new song is great. Learning to sing while you play is great. I started fingerpicking. Its the most fun I"ve had in a long time. One could say I fell in love with the Guitar. I love Guitar so much I'll capitalize the word. What could be more alpha than maintenance of your instrument? I learned to tune the thing using my ears! With harmonics! I know how sound waves from one string to the next behave and I can tune a guitar with this knowledge. I can restring my own Guitar. This is awesome. And bitches and gentlemen alike respect it. I email people on youtube who play really good songs and ask them for their tabs (nicely of course, and with tact) and more often than not, as long as you've subscribed, they send it to me. I play Legend of Zelda and Final Fantasy songs on guitar by fingerpicking. I play rock, I play classic. Whatever my fucking fancy.

4. Soldering electronic circuits. Did you know that for about 25 bucks you can makes blinky light things and stuff? Check out this comment in an IWTL thread I made. I'm soldering circuits together now. Melting metal and creating electricity. I control nature. Manly as hell. I'm learning to mod xbox's. Takem apart and solder them up and program them to do some extra shit.

6. WorkOuts on hard mode. I Do Squats. All. The. Time. Deadlifts, bench, overhead press. Download "Starting Strength" by Mark Rippetoe. I got mine of r/baconbits. He'll teach you everything. I used to be 140 pounds in high school. I'm 195 pounds now, down from 205. I'm not ripped but I'm strong as hell and I can toss around my girlfriend like a rag doll, which turns her on.

7. KRAV MAGA. The Israeli military self defense. It is the most brutal fucking martial art in history. When I first joined and watched people practice holding peoples heads back and attacking the exposed throat, I thought it was brutal and it made me cringe. Now I attack throats. And groins. Its not pretty but sometimes I walk down the street and just wish someone would attack me. But then again, I know how brutal these fights can get, so I also am perfectly happy to not fight ever. Knowing how though makes me feel great. I walk with a straight spine and look people in the eye and speak clear as fuck. Rawr!

Thats enough list for now... Please feel free to add your own, I would love to know what my fellow red pillers have been up to!

Warm Regards,
