About me: 21 years old, been cheated on once, used to be 35% body fat at the age of 18, currently at 14% and still dropping. Started learning TRP since 19 but never applied it because my SMV was very low and I was a little bitch too scared to even talk to women.

About this girl: 23 years old, been cheated on twice in previous relationships, is currently following a course for becoming military police.

We met each other in the gym, we both were hard working people who were focused on progression, me because I used to be a fat fuck and had to climb up the SMV ranking, and she because she needed to be fit for her course and of course for the SMV too. I was attracted to her, she was attracted to me, we fucked shortly after we met and went on from there.

After a month long FWB relationship I decided to LTR her because she fitted my schedule and enjoyed being with her in my free time. She maintained me pretty well by cooking for me, taking care of my needs and handling small things so I can focus on bigger things.

After a LTR of 6 months I decided she was holding me back more than I like to admit and that I had to go my own way again, also, she slowly started doing less work for me, basically all the things that made me attracted to her in the first place where gone and the only thing that I enjoyed was the sex. It was yesterday night when I made the final decision to break up with her and I did, she snapped, I grabbed my belongings, told her I’d drop her shit off the next day and went for the door without any discussion. When I came home I decided it would profit me if I removed her from social media so she wouldn’t come back at me and because I felt our relationship was done and I don’t want anything to do with this girl anymore because she fucked up. Moments later she contacted me, tells me she has feelings, and wants to build a future together, and suddenly becomes the most submissive girl I’ve ever seen, now this is where many men fuck up, they go ahead and give her another chance hoping she will stay submissive like this, news flash, she will not, you’ve just shown her that you accepted her behavior, she will dump or trade you in shortly after this and this eliminates her reality of her fucking up in the first place. Do not fall for this, I know how tempting it is.


Lessons learned:

  • Make the decision for yourself: When making a decision like ending a relationship, do it because of you and because it will profit you. Don’t even think about her feelings, this is about you, not her.
  • Do not fall for her attempts of recovering the relationship: If she’s still crazy about you, she WILL try to recover the relationship, women don’t like to be dumped because it fucks with their ego, once you fall for the recovery trap you WILL get fucked over and dumped by her later on so she can believe she ditched you.
  • Don’t provide too much comfort: After the first few months I thought I didn’t have to be on my best anymore because we were already together, I didn’t keep her motivated to work for me because I stopped showing her that she’s replaceable.


There's probably a lot more lessons to be learned from this, please state them if you see them.

Thank you TRP, for learning me how to navigate through situations like this, I hope some of you find this information useful for if you ever get in a situation like this.