Technology can be a powerful ally for a man in his pursuits of women. With apps like Tinder becoming increasingly popular, men are back in the drivers seat when it comes to selecting mates, even if most don't realize it. Many threads have been written before on effective online gaming, so this post will shy away from how to effectively pick up online, and instead focus on one of the biggest mistakes most men make after they have achieved initial attraction and interest: excessive texting.

Text messaging can be a highly useful and effective means of rapid communication. Used properly, you can keep your plates and LTR highly invested in you through sporadic touch-points.

Unfortunately, used incorrectly, text messages can also be your undoing. I've written other posts previously on effective text game if you're looking for tips, but let's talk a little bit about why texting too much is a dangerous game, and the reasons why less really is more.

Think of your run-of-the-mill basic bitch. The girls we all know too well - leggings, Michael Kors bag, PSL in her left hand and cell phone in her right. Tick-tacking away on her iPhone is her favourite thing to do - watching Netflix on a Friday night is a close second. For your average basic bitch, her cell phone is glued to her hand for a few reasons:

  1. It provides regular validation for her through constant notifcations of likes, comments, and friend requests from all the beta and omega orbiters she has circling her.
  2. It allows her to regularly gossip and chit chat with her similarly basic friends.

And last but not least -

  1. It provides a means of regular communication with the AF's she's interested in and chasing at present.

Note that I said "she's chasing" and not "being chased by." Alpha's don't chase - instead, they are pursued.

But how does one shift from "chasing women" to "being pursued by women"? Well, that's another post entirely, but if you're raising your SMV by lifting, improving your career, social skills, etc - you'll notice the shift occuring over time as you start giving more women the tingles and become further pre-selected.

So back to our basic bitch. She's sitting at the local Starbucks, drinking whatever grande non-fat extra whip whatever-the-fuck latte is that flavour of the month, phone in hand, tick-tacking away. Beta Bob has been blowing up her phone all day, responding to every text she sends within moments, like he's been literally staring at his phone waiting for her reply (In all likelihood, he probably was). But basic bitch Betty, even though she may reply to Bob, isn't really too interested in him. It shows whenever he texts, and all of a sudden she doesn't reply. Sometimes for hours at a time. Maybe a day or two. Bob can't understand. What did he say wrong? What should he have said instead? Where is she? Is she alright? Did she die?

No, she's still in Starbucks. But Betty's kind of busy now. You see, Alpha Alan finally replied to her message from six hours ago when she sent him a nude pic. And what was Alan's reply?

"That's my girl."

Fucking tingles activated. Three words. One sentence. And instantly her panties are moist.

"Mm you bet. ;) Can't wait to see you Saturday!!" she replies.

And then nothing. Alan doesn't reply. Why?

Because Alan has real man shit to do. A mission he's on, that can't be interrupted by some tail that's after his cock. After all, he's got three other bitches all wanting the same thing. He's got a meeting in an hour and he has to finish working on his notes. He'll reply to her when he has time.

If you haven't fully redpilled yourself, this all might sound counterintuitive. Why does Betty like being ignored by Alan when Bob can actually talk to her right now?

Because, you idiot - Alan isn't ignoring her. He's focusing on what he needs to do to be the best version of himself he can be. He's advancing his career. He's lifting weights. He's reading a book. He's cooking dinner. He's doing whatever the fuck he wants, and he has the abundance mentality to know that if she isn't happy with the amount of attention she's receiving from him, she can walk and he doesn't fucking care. There's always a next bitch to replace her with.

The funny thing is, while Alan's off doing all of these things to make himself a better man, she's scrolling through his instagram, facebook, whatever... just to gaze on the object of her affections - while Bob freaks out wondering why she's not replying to that super-funny meme picture he just sent her from /r/funny.

If you're anxiously staring at your phone waiting for her to reply, spending more than 2 seconds formulating a reply to her messages, you're doing it wrong. Focus on the things that make you more valuable to others - being a responsive communicator isn't one of them. In fact, she's not expecting you nor does she WANT you to text her all day. She wants a man with a mission. A man with a purpose. A man who's chasing something bigger than her. And she understands that that kind of man doesn't have time to fucking chit chat. He's got shit to do.

So put your fucking phone down and go do something worthwhile. Betty can wait.