I was asked for a flashback of this old gem. If you came to TRP to have your hand held and balls rubbed with feel-good platitudes then you will hate it.

What is a feel good platitude?

We are all gonna make it bro! Just shout out macho talk like lift and lead, and it will magically happen!

TRP is a collection of experiences and observations that work. It's not a place to talk about things you aren't doing to get an emotional high.

So what should TRP be? Its the unfiltered god honest truthful AskJeeves for pussy......Try what you read. Or tailor to your needs. Or just observe when something you read here happens in your life and now you can see it.

Incidentally, the women I wrote about below are still around and their guys have no clue. They don't have any idea who they married. Like the dead people on The Sixth Sense "They only see what they want to see."

without further delay....

There are men who think women are wonderful, that their girl wouldn't stray, and if she did cheat then they would sense it.

These men are wrong. She won't act guilty. She won't feel bad. In her mind, she did nothing wrong.

I've been in cabs with married women (after fucking) who shush me while they call their husbands to check on kids. Heard stories from another woman about her elaborate plans for her husbands surprise birthday party while gleefully getting pounded by yours truly. These women don't hate their husbands like Hollywood tells us. They consider them "best friends".

What does this mean for us?

1 Do not get married

2 You can't expect fidelity from a woman, it's just your turn, act accordingly.

3 if this post makes you upset then you don't yet understand the true nature of women.