Hello TRPers,

The way markets and high-level corporations work is that people are borderline sociopathic, rationally self interested economic agents. That means they can and will take advantage of you for their own benefit.

The best position to be in is to have a valuable skillet so that you can play companies against one another for pay, and if your boss is an idiot or you're not moving up as fast as you deserve you can walk away to a competitor. The worst possible position to be in is to rely on one person or company because then you have no economic leverage. In other words, it's just like marriage where the woman will become fat and lazy and not have sex with you simply because she can and there are no cobsequences for her bad behavior.

Remember back in high school when there was a breakup the key detail was who broke up with who? It's the same principle. The person with higher value in the transaction can always leave and so the shame and embarrassment goes to the person who got left.

As a personal note, I recently quit my job and it was one of the best feelings I've ever had in my life. My boss was selfish, manipulative, and didn't respect me and no amount of money is worth feeling like shit from 9 to 5. So I'm making a career move into something a lot more stable and technical so that if I ever get put in the same situation I can always walk away.