Your first step toward being "your best you" is managing your body.

If you are fat, you have to drop that weight. Period. Done.

Fat people make excuses for their fat fucking asses, which makes it easier to invent excuses for their lazy lard-assed slacking in other areas of their lives.

To be fat for an extended period of time is to fail at life.

Drop that fucking weight, you fat fucking lard ass.

No bread, no sugar, no potatoes. Lots of meat and green veg cooked in real butter.

Drop the weight. I mean it.

You know your "friends" who make excuses for your disgraceful man-tits? Notice they have man-tits as well? What is this, a man-boobs contest?

Those people aren't friends. They are the other pigs lined up at the Chinese buffet beside you, pricking their fingers to see if they need any insulin to combat the breaded potato loser-snacks that they piled their plates with.

Are you really trying to win a man-boobs contest?

Coming from a position of pure love, I submit this to you:

Drop the fucking weight. Just do it. You have nothing to lose except your man-tits, and you have everything to gain.

O.k. haters, let's hear you make some excuses so you can help your fat assed brothers stay nice and floppy. Let the whinging begin!