This is such a stupid, but fundamental point to make.

A quick stroll down memory lane... I remember drifting around in my 20's with a calendar on my wall, usually some type of forest critters staring at me with their glassy eyes, that was always 2, 3, maybe 4 months behind, with nothing ever written on it. I'd only flip it when I felt embarrassed that it was so far behind, and it was personal embarrassment because nobody was ever in my room to see it (red flag #1). I had no plans in my life. I wasn't a virgin, but the few women I did fuck always drifted into my life like dead pieces of wood. I was in mechanical mode, work, sleep, go to the bar on Friday and hope chicks will dig me, wake up feeling like shit on Saturday regretting how much money I wasted, do mostly nothing Sunday, repeat. All the time in between was filled with really, really low-tier shit that did not challenge me. In fact it was the opposite, it was repetition of forgettable, time-wasting leisure activities. Is it any wonder the women I fucked were average, dead pieces of wood?

This is what stagnation looks like. Even if your bills are paid and you aren't the lowest turd on the corporate ladder, you're still a schmuck like the other 99% because this is exactly how they live. And that gap is only widening with people shoving their entire attention into time-sinks like reddit. You could be doing everything to ensure your survival, but you're still a loser, and women can smell it. It's true, you're a loser by virtue that you're not winning, because you're not challenging yourself, and the tragedy is that you don't even know how. Sure you started reading pickup and getting "redpilled" but you don't even have any life experience to bring to the table. You are a drain on others, a leech looking for a hero to suck on instead of being one.

It's not enough to say "I'm going to make a change", "I'm going to become more attractive", "I'm going to hold my head high at the office on Monday". This is a placebo, this is your mind fucking with you only to stab you in the back later. Fat fuckers and landwhales do this all the time. You're rewarding yourself before you've even developed a plan, because who needs a plan? You've "survived" this long without one, right? The way of thinking that made you a loser before is going to make you a loser again.

So here is a piece of ancient technology I'm going to offer you which can change your whole life. It's called a "calendar".

Successful people have a full calendar - and they STICK TO IT. Their arrangements and plans always come first. If something new comes up, you have to weigh the importance, and re-schedule your original activity. Every single day, you need to be doing something new. Don't fly by the seat of your pants or try to "memorize it", write it the fuck down and do it. When your calendar is full of shit that is new, new experiences, new things to accomplish, to learn, you are creating a pathway to become successful (which is the bedrock of attraction). This is not black arts, all successful people do this, and the extremely successful have assistants to fill their calendar. Do 1 new thing every single day no matter how small it is. Add in travel when time allows. For the new habits and activities you build, continue to do those things while still committing the 1 new thing you wrote down for each day of the week. All the game and "shit tests" you can memorize on this sub mean fucking nothing if you're the guy in his 20's (or god forbid 30's and up) who is still drifting in his own loser-mill, frozen in time & space yet still aging, because he didn't manage his time.