Summary: I was frustrated after a few dates - applying game, following TRP advise on abundance/mindset (I thought) and getting nowhere. After reading a lot about awareness and emotional investment, I decided to change my approach 180. And oh boy it works...

Body First date on Saturday, went for a coffee. Something was wrong, it just never felt "right". I realised why - I was emotionally attached to the desired outcome of the date - having sex. I would skip the whole stage where I have to actually stay on top of my game to make it happen. I got excited about it, my mind was in a different place and suddenly I wanted to play it "right". Left home absolutely annoyed.

On Sunday I had another date, and at some point I decided to play it completely different. Keep myself detached emotionally - I decided to be borderline aware of my surrounding. I parked my car and focused on every step I take. I was aware of my emotions, but never let them out - they were there, like a fog. I would just observe. She was getting late, usually I would be excited and a little bit stressed. I was chatting to other girl on the phone, completely focused on this. We met, and I decided to:

  • Have fun in the moment,
  • not giving any emotional attachment to possible outcome of a date,
  • completely ignore thoughts that were running around the question of "am I playing it right",
  • Push the boundaries and see what happens,

I have never felt so relaxed and had so much fun at the same time. Escalated from the start. Someone posted here that eye contact is enough and they will break the silence. I was blown away that first two seconds were a bit awkward and then she would smile and start talking about something. All I had to do was listen.

We ended up at mine, she said she never expected this to happen and she said that "she couldn't resist any more".

The most valuable lesson that I've learned from yesterday is this:

No matter how good your game is, how good you look and how high SMV you have - as soon as you get emotionally attached to the particular outcome (either career wise/dating wise), you are already mentally blocking yourself. Practice awareness, be present in the moment and find joy in every single second of it. This opens all the profits of abundance and keeps your mind opened to any potential outcome. Don't be afraid of pushing the boundaries, what's the worse that can happen? Nothing that could threaten your life.