The other night I attended a party and a smokeshow Russian Milf (havent fucked yet) whose kids attend school with mine was lamenting how MeToo was making it impossible for any woman to get hired.

She didnt complain about equal pay. She didnt complain that men have a leg up in the interview process. She realized that nobody in their right mind wants to hire a woman unless HR demands it.

A day later I ran into an ex FriendWBenefits from a decade ago. She was a hard 7 then and now a 5 on a good day. Mid 30s, unmarried, career shrike with a 1000 cock dead eye stare. I didnt even have to ask as its obvious that there are no good men left

Gee..who chased them away? The catfood companies are benefiting so follow the money I guess

Less amusing are the mass shooters who have one trait in common and its not Whiteness like the media says.

Its that almost none of them lived with their biological father.

Its almost like Fathers and Men just might not be so disposable after all.

Im not calling anyone to arms. The only battle to be fought is in your mind and when you win, the world is your oyster.

The competition is bluehaired fatties and brainwashed low t men who cant think or act in their own interest and that my friends is what TRP is about.

Lifting your head, breaking the slavers chain to accomplish what you want with your efforts