Trump has had a lot of friction with Fox host Meagon Kelly. Kelly is the most attractive, white, blond “strong independent” women on Fox. She is the darling of the network and the conservative media in a lot of ways. Donald Trump has had some run-ins with her where she's tried to destroy his frame by calling him a misogynist. This is a very direct and effective tactic a women like her can use. She’s attractive and knows it, and can smell even the slightest sense of intimidation in a man. Her acuity for spotting a weak frame is likely far more developed than most normal women’s senses. She knows she can manipulate most men with shame, pressure, directness, event flirtation. These are the tools that the world has shown her work on men. Except when she runs into guys like Donald Trump. Trump can immediately spot manipulation and bullshit in people. More importantly he can spot a situation that WILL NOT be beneficial to him. He saw that situation with Kelly when he was put on the spot by her on national television. She unleashed a super effective shaming tactic on him that he handled perfectly. He stuck to his conviction and didn’t let her topple him. He never looked nervous, and most importantly he never conceived EVEN AN INCH. He then went on to trash talk her and call her a bimbo and refused to debate if she was the moderator.

Trump effectively risked being seen as a huge asshole (moreso than already) simply because he stuck to his convictions. This is a vital lesson to all men. Never ever let the hottest girl in the room manipulate you and break your frame. Never give in. Let’s say you’re having an argument with a hot girl at a party. Tension is rising and people are noticing you arguing with her. She can sense every little change in your comfort level, and she will exploit it without remorse to get her way. She will not feel bad for making you crack and feel nervous. Pressure and nervousness make you doubt your convictions, it generates the voice in your head that says “maybe I’m wrong, maybe this person has a point and I’m being an asshole.” “all these people think I’m an asshole, I should give in a little bit”. DO NOT listen to this voice. This voice is social pressure changing your state and influencing your inner beliefs. This happens a lot around hot girls and conflict.

Let’s say you are flirting with a hot girl at a party. Maybe you say something uncalibrated and she takes offense. She then calls you out on it. Ask yourself, “what would Donald Trump do?” would he apologize? Nope! Even if you make a mistake, NEVER apologize to a girl. Especially when you’re in public. Sometimes you need to welcome the incoming conflict that develops. Don’t run away from it with the excuse of “I don’t want to rock the boat” or “I will look like an asshole” This is EXACTLY what the girl wants you to do and think. This is not about who is right or wrong. You can be 100% wrong and you should STILL stick to your beliefs. I have seen plenty of situations where the person who is wrong still come out on top because they didn’t let some bully or hot chick break their frame.

If you get into a frame battle with a chick, accept it and do not back down. Most people, especially girls will be submissive to people who stick to their convictions no matter what. If a situation needs to turn ugly or awkward because of it. LET IT. Being a man means allowing that shit to happen. Do not be afraid of awkward conflicts. Donald Trump isn’t, and he’s kicking ass regardless if you like him or not.

Stick to your guns.

Don’t be afraid of awkward confrontations and conflict.

Don’t be afraid of being wrong and looking bad in front of others.

Never feel guilt for your beliefs and apologize.