So I was born with this gift of autism that enhances my pattern recognition. Recently I noticed a pattern where multiple offshoots of red pill are converging into a new phenomenon. What started as a troll on women, the "Soft guy era", has a lot of us men going "Wait, we're on to something here". Namely, flipping the script on women.

It seems like a combination of the Andrew Tate Hustle game, Mike Sartain Social Circle Game, and plate theory are all smashed up into one thing. I call it The End Game.

You see, when we think of game, we're only focused on "how to get da gurlza". At this point it's been mastered and backed by science and is old news. One area where red pill falls short is addressing what comes next. When a guy first gets red pilled and "escapes the matrix" he goes into an anger phase which we just leave him to deal with by pointing out the bad outcomes women are having over on WAATGM. He throws himself at self-improvement and finds success with women.

After a while though, once a guy masters his money+muscle+frame+game, he begins to despise female nature, which we call the dual mating strategy and hypergamy and mate choice copying. We then tell him to just accept it or else go crazy. Some guys go MGTOW, some guys go passport bros, some guys go black pill, some purle pill, some God pill, etc.

Ultimately we steer guys into LTRs with properly vetted women that they can use as a wife and mother of their kids. We solve their reproductive problem. Then we have a whole other section on LTRs which we call red pill on hard mode. Well, what if we didn't have to do red pill on hard mode? What if there is an easy mode?

If you haven't read all 3 books by Esther Vilar, The Manipulated Male, The Polygamous Sex, and Das Ende der Dressur(available in English through machine translation if you search around), I highly recommend it. She correctly pointed out things that came about even well after her books but her solutions suck. The main take-aways are:

  1. Women manipulate men through male altruism towards children and sex.

  2. Men live in a gynocentric social order in which they are brainwashed from birth to be slaves for women.

  3. Women have exceeded parity with men as far as being able to provide not only for themselves but also for a husband and child.

  4. Women have outvoted men in every election since 1964 because they are the majority. Essentially legislating away men's rights.

  5. Women have decided not to self correct but rather knuckle down on their sense of entitlement culminating in the "sprinkle sprinkle" phenomenon.

So what was the inevitable result? Drizzle drizzle. This is where The End Game comes in. We take from them everything and give them nothing. Guys who are already doing this are shamed as playboys, gigolos, etc. But who cares? I just think of it as reparations for slavery. We got what they want and we know it. It's time to flip script and have women provide for us.

Now, there are many ways to do this:

  1. Polygamy: More succintly, polygyny, where a man has multiple LTRs... but with a twist. The man is a house husband and is supported by the women. Not in the traditional sense of acting like a woman, but does the 2 hours of housework and gardening that he would be doing anyway if he lived alone. The rest of the day he works on himself and his masculinity.

  2. Take their money by exploiting the main 2 female fantasies: being dominated and/or having power like a man. Remember, women control 80% of all purchases. Think "50 Shades of Grey" and the Barbie/Marvel movies.

  3. Hustle their money away. Tinder Swindler and Tate are great examples. Think web cam girls and wealthy older women who will give money to a guy because he appears to have lots of money but he really doesn't. Like if you rent a house just say you own it.

  4. Make them work for you. This is Mike Sartain's social circle game. Think promoting charities and events by using models and getting paid for it.

We live in a very unique time where we can game, even hijack the system so that we don't have to work and can have our soft guy eras. TTime for the pimped to become the pimps and I have no moral quandary with this because women did it without moral quandary and still do. Time for me to import a Philippina nurse as my second wife and have her get one of those high paying nursing jobs ;). My current wife can't provide me the lifestyle I'd like.