In today's era of participation trophies, its become taboo to feel anything other than unconditional love for yourself.

Fats are told they are beautiful at any size. Inner city minorities are told they are acting white if they study hard and want to get ahead. Celibates are told there is a princess waiting at the end of the rainbow. Keep paddling!

That last part is kinda true. Women do wait on the other side of the wall but they are overweight and plunged more than a 35 year old toilet in an army barrack by then.

Since you were born, you have been indoctrinated with Just Be Yourself to make you weak. To make you fail. To make you docile and more controllable.

Uncle Cad gives you permission to hate whatever about yourself doenst work. Your physique, education, social life, or career. Change it. Dont listen to any family, friend, or coworker who thinks if he cant change, you cant either. Let him love his loser life. You are throwing off the shackles and allowing yourself to hate something about yourself

Hate gives you energy. It is fuel for change. Dont bury it, embrace it and change in ways you never dreamed possible