It seems to be a perennial theme where men are fighting loneliness or purposelessness after they've gone into the red pill and have fixed their relationship issues. There seems to be a dread of getting old and being alone.


Let me just tell you: knock it off! This is all nonsense. You can feel just as alone in a relationship, or with kids, as you can being all by yourself. Your partner will never complete you. Other than your parents, no one gives a shit about you more than they do themselves, and even parents have their limits. Your wife can cheat on you or divorce you for no reason. Your kids can end up hating you.


If you miss the good ole days with your friends:

\- move to their city and make an effort to hang out.

\- but I have a joooob (whiny voice).  so what, either gain the kind of skills where you are transferrable or can pick up a new job quickly, or, get a job and get those skills with the aim of moving.  You're a man, solving problems, not bitching, is in your nature.

\- I love my current city and job and don't want the change.  Then stop bitching and find men with common interests (hint, there are probably several candidates at your job)

\- "I'm a worthless high school/college student"  You shouldn't have any issues with loneliness.  Get off your electronics and start interacting with anyone/everyone.  You will never have the same opportunities for easy social interaction again.


You could also get a job where you interact with enough people you are ready for solitude at the end of the day.


You need a mission, no matter how petty or small. You have to plan out your life to a certain degree. Creating a bucket list gives you an idea of what you want out of life. Read Zero to One by Peter Thiel. Learn what you're best at and then see if there's a way to get value out of it.


If you get old and you're still suffering from being alone, that's on you. You need to figure out early in life that you are alone. You have to become the person you can rely the most on. I repeat, you have be the person you rely on. I'm married and have a kid, but my wife cheated and will soon be gone. She was never reliable in the first place and never made me feel better. Instead, she only distracted me from becoming a more complete man. I am discovering that I love traveling on my own. I love relying on myself. I get more social satisfaction from the guys at work than I ever did talking to my wife. I realize I'm not going to grow old with her, so what? She could always leave me as an older person too, and by then I would be more dependent on her. Men have always had difficult lives, but men have also done a fantastic job living solo.


Men need men in their lives more than they do women. The only thing I miss from my marriage is reliable sex, but there's always the possibility of having a mistress later in life. The dates, the adventures, the long conversations, watching TV together, raising a kid together, all meaningless and forgettable. There is no fairy tale living happily ever. You will get old and may be alone for periods of time. What if your spouse dies prematurely? What if your wife and kids are in the car but get into an accident and disappear from your life forever? You are given no guarantees you will live well. Therefore, loving yourself by making yourself useful and reliable is the best way to self-improve. A man gets pleasure from providing, women don't feel that pleasure, they want to be provided for. So, be a good provider and continue providing for yourself!


A part of self improvement is learning not to hate yourself. A lot of betas don't like themselves (I certainly didn't, I hated my whole lineage too, for my genes). I'm not saying you'll like yourself better if you lift weights or read books, but you'll like yourself if you start taking care of your body and treating yourself with respect and dignity. Once you know how to live with yourself, it gets easier and becomes your preference. My opinion is a lot of the guys who seem lonely or regretful (gonna name Roosh here, because he comes across as depressed and brooding) is because they didn't marry and have kids. That seems to be a very powerful feeling that leads to massive guilt. If you cannot be rid of that feeling, then get married, or at least have an LTR in a state without common law marriage and stay together for as long as you can while you have the kid(s). Or, date a woman who is a single mom and raise her kids with her for awhile so you know exactly what it's like. Maybe you'll like being a surrogate father, or maybe you won't, the point is you will have an idea of what parenting is like. Having the kid be of your own genetic lineage is intoxicating because it's your desire to see yourself live on through another person. When I see my kid I sometimes think of them as half of me, but reborn, so I get it. It's cool, and you feel super proud, but at the end of the day I still need my space and need to accomplish things in my own right. Raising a kid doesn't feel like as big of an accomplishment as you think when you compare it to other things you are doing.


My point is to stop bitching about being lonely or potentially lonely. You will adapt. You will be fine. You can rely on yourself. Live with a friend if you have to. Move to their city if you must.