G’day everyone,


Thought I would voice something I’ve been thinking about recently. It comes back to a classic conflict I see with a lot of younger guys on ASKtrp. The battle between being a nice guy, and an ‘asshole’.


I see many guys who have been ‘nice’ to women, only to get nowhere. Maybe a lot of these guys think ‘well, being nice didn’t get me anywhere, so maybe I should just be a cunt’. They become all push, no pull, insulting, hurtful and straight out actual assholes. This doesn’t usually fair well.


I also think there can be a false logic, which leads to some of the ‘anger phase’. Guys are ‘nice’, women lose interest in them. Women go for some other guy she says is a ‘jerk’. Therefore, guys believe ‘women are cunts who hate nice behaviour. Fuck them’.


They discover redpill, and think it’s learning how to be an asshole. Toxic, manipulative, abusive. These are the guys who become fascinated with Dark Triad, and wish they were it.


What a lot of these guys aren’t very aware of, isn’t so much that women are some fucked-up creatures who, for some reason, don’t appreciate ‘nice’. Many ‘nice guys’ don’t realise it isn’t their ‘nice’ behaviour that is the the true turn-off. It’s the fact that these guys are unhealthy.


It leads me to see Red Pill not through the lense of ‘nice guy’ vs ‘asshole’, but instead ‘healthy male’, vs ‘unhealthy male’. Women are attracted to healthy men. Healthy humans.


A lot of Blue Pill/Beta/Nice Guys are unhealthy men. Unwell. For all their ‘nice’ behaviour, look deeper. These guys normally possess many unhealthy traits.


Bluepill/Beta/Nice Guys often have low-self esteem, and low self-worth. They don’t pursue what they want, because they don’t believe they are good enough to have it. They put everyone else’s needs before their own. They try to please everyone. They are people-pleases, approval seekers, validation seekers. They are dishonest and indirect about what they want. They fear confrontation, conflict and emotional tension. They are co-dependent. They expect others to read their minds. They have poor boundaries. He runs from his insecurities, limitations and flaws. They don’t deal with things in the moment. They seek happiness from others. They put up with disrespect. They take rejection like a child, and live in their inner child. They personalize and internalize negative self-talk. They are needy.

No matter how nice you are to me, even I don't want a bar of that.


A RedPill/Alpha can simply be a healthy male. He has high self-esteem, self-worth and self-acceptance. He pursues what he desires, because he believes he is good enough to have it. He makes his desires, wants and needs his main priority. He is honest, direct and clear about what he wants. He doesn’t people-please, seek-approval or validation. He doesn’t seek happiness from others, but knows he is responsible for cultivating it in himself. He has boundaries. He can handle conflict and confrontation. He deals with things there and then. He doesn’t put up with shit. He is self-accepting. He owns his insecurities, limitations and flaws. He puts what he wants, above her. He can use rationalizing and logic to over-ride negativity and limiting self-image before they’re internalized. He takes rejection like an adult. Is non-needy.

A healthy male, with value, also knows that wanting sex in return for his time and attention is perfectly normal, healthy and ok. He's not shamed about this.

Now, that guy might tell me 'no', he might challenge me, but damn I'd respect him


Those things are healthy. They're the traits of a healthy human. Not necessarily an 'asshole'.


‘Nice’, and the associated traits are fine. Charisma, positivity, approachability, fun, playfulness, non-serious, comfort. I think guys read some Red Pill, and think all these characteristics are bad. This leads to an extreme amount of autism. Those traits are social, infectious, and the source of high emotional value.


It’s the rest you have to cultivate. It’s not about becoming abusive, manipulative, toxic. It’s about becoming healthy. It’s about deepening values to truly reach a strong, healthy, independent frame.


This helped me get away from thinking I have to perfect some Red Pill tactics. I simply needed to cultivate the healthiest, strongest version of myself. The right behaviors are a symptom of that.


So look deeper than ‘nice’ and ‘asshole’. Go beyond anger, and truly own if you were healthy or not. Don’t get lost between ‘a nice guy that everyone walked over’ and ‘an asshole that nobody likes except BPD chicks and unhealthy women’.


Women are attracted to strong, healthy males. If you weren’t that, and my description of Nice Guy traits resonates with you, then own your part in things.


Ask yourself...how healthy are you?