2097 on NiceGuys.

So this guy has obviously swallowed the blue pill hook, line and sinker. Not the worst crime, most of us have been there. But the way the comments rip him up just absolutely blows me away, it shouldn't, but it does.

My heart goes out to this guy, he's lived 41 years, doing all the "right" things, probably not because he expects sex, but because he genuinely believes it's the right thing to do. And where does it get him? Not only is he left sad, pathetic and a virgin at 41, but he gets absolutely shit on when he expresses his frustration.

Favorite comments:

41 years, Jesus Christ get him a prostitute or something.

Right, cause all the guy wants is sex. 41 and never even known what it feels like to have a woman touch him in that way. Jesus.

"I minored in Women's Studies" And evidently learned nothing.


have you tried asking a woman out on a date and not being so desperate?

You mean women don't throw themselves at you because you wore a pussy hat and carried a sign? You have to actually make them feel some kind of way? Btw, I'm sure this guy has been rejected dozens of times when he finally managed to screw up the nerve to ask a girl out. He's 41 and a virgin, of course he's frickin desperate!