
I was spending time with one of my FWBs watching a show, and during the show, the topic of our favorite shows in the past came up. We started talking about them, and I realized that during my BP days, I was a huge fan of shows that featured bad-ass sexy women. Three of them featured that exact same theme. This gave me pause, and before I knew it I was having my mind blown before my dick yet again.

The Desperation of Safety

Once I realized that three of my favorite shows had this thread, I started to think about what it was that I had enjoyed so much. Were they really that good? Or was I so choked on the blue pill that I couldn't tell what I was actually doing? I wagered it was the latter and put two and two together.

I had been idolizing these female characters because they literally were everything I wanted or wanted to be.

I didn't know that at the time, but now, looking back, it was completely obvious. I wanted to be a bad-ass. I wanted to be strong. I wanted to be sexy and irresistible. I wanted all of that. I was none of it.

I was a bitch being cucked by a television show.

It was simply easier to fantasize about it than actually going and doing, well, anything. I didn't even realize it was what I wanted. I was enamored with a false reality, living in a dream world. It was "safer" to indulge and fill the emptiness of my life with pretend relationships.

Where else did I do this?

Already horrified, I turned my eye back across my past, and saw it literally fucking everywhere. From video games, RPGs I played with my friends, to the very books I read. I had been trading my masculinity away in a vicious cycle piece by piece until I had nothing left.

All to avoid doing what would actually make me happy.


One of the commandments in the Bible says not to worship false idols. I personally find religion to be a crutch, but I can't be remiss about wisdom. I was kneeling at the altar of entertainment and telling myself lies that I wanted desperately to believe.

Don't be cucked by entertainment. Live a rich life devoted to yourself. Let go of it and fill your life with human interaction. Entertainment is a false idol for the richness of the human experience.