This is a weird post, and honestly it's done a bit tongue in cheek. But legitimately, sometimes I get a bit anxious about the fact that my LTR is going so well. It feels like it's wrong. RP has taught me that shit will hit the fan eventually.

My girlfriend just never, ever, creates drama. She never complains about anything, she's never upset, or moody, or "too tired". We have argued once, and it wasn't rly an argument, I just scolded her over some dumb shit.

She casually gave me her phone password maybe a month after we met. Never changed it. I use her phone for a lot of stuff since mine is shit, she's got notifications on home screen and doesn't use snapchat. She has my face plastered on all her social media. She tells me how she loves me so much every day, compliments me. She proudly introduced me to all of her family, I'm talking 40 people. Her childhood friends. And always brings up, "I have X friend, she rly wants to meet you".

I try to fuck with her sometimes, use some very subtle dread. But she doesn't bite. That's the weird part, she's got a super solid frame, she trusts me so much I can't hurt her without going nuclear. She never shit tests. And when she gives me a comfort test, I can't do anything but give her the answer she needs, because she deserves it.

It's pretty cool, but RP doesn't actually address this situation so much. I know I'm supposed to keep doing whatever I'm doing, but according to RP, it'll go wrong at some point anyway.