Hi everyone, I live in Italy and go out to approach girls very frequently in Mlian. I only see about 10 Italians who approach in Milan, so we're not many.

I am fairly good with dates and getting numbers, but I still have some trouble with approach anxiety, and of course some days I come home with 0 to 3 approaches, and some others i do 10+. I'm not doing enough approaches, I have done 1500+ of them in 2 years, which sounds like a lot on paper, but it's not, I could have done many more of them. What are your tips on approach anxiety? Do you struggle with it?

Btw, if any European user is curious about daygaming in Milan, I think it's one of the best cities in Europe for daygame, given the existence of low cost flights from Europe, the presence of many eastern models, and in the main city square there's always a ton of people, even during weekdays. I can share tips specific to the city if you're looking to have a weekend day game trip, if you want you can ask