I think its time to meet new friends. Love my old friends but I think Im going to keep them in my back pocket for now. The ones that stayed have no ambition and have settled with terrible women and no longer want to do literally anything. The ones who do want to make something of themselves or actually socialize have moved away.

Anyways I would just pick up some new hobbies, but I’m heavily focused on my job, traveling for said job and School work for trying to get my masters and working out, so I don’t really want to pick up another exhaustive, expensive or time consuming hobby.

Also tired of drinking and the toll it takes so I don’t want to resort to my college friends.

That leaves making friends at the gym. Current gym is in a bad area, low quality people, no attractive girls, scammers, 70% is HS or older men.

Thinking of switching to another gym Ive heard has some more serious lifters, and more attractive girls is also in a nicer area.

Off the top of my head Pros motivation by bigger guys, and nicer facilities, hotter girls, more people my age, nicer area, higher quality people.

Cons Farther(but closer to work), expensive( Im paying nothing rn at current gym), Distractions( Women, socializing)

Getting a good lift is still my primary goal so I don’t want to be focusing on girls or anything. But I do want to start building a better social circle.