Further from my post yesterday which can be found here https://www.forums.red/p/asktrp/322524/future_wife_doesn_t_want_to_move_into_new_house_and_now_has

I broke up with her. This morning before work I asked if she wants to give it another try. She said her heart says yes but her mind says no. The main reason is that she knows I hate her parents and sister. She said that I will always hate them. Tbh I’ve never got along with her sister.

So I said I can’t live my life like this and under their command and control. So I am breaking up. She then just stood still then looked up and said do you mean it? I said yes.

I went to work. And out it to the back of my mind. Went to the gym after work but now being back home I do feel really upset about it.

The way she cried and said nothing. That’s all I can think off. All the good times we had up to this point.

She called me after. I assume it was to arrange to pick up her clothes. But it wasn’t she wanted to check if I meant the break up. She then said she wants to try again but her head says it can’t work. I just said let’s just have space and we will see what happens.

I don’t really know what I want from this post but all I know I am upset.