Hey all,

I’m a 24/M who went through a divorce about a year ago. It was a military marriage (I’m army, no kids thankfully) and RP really helped me find myself and realize how unhappy I was. With that being said, I’m pretty new to actual game and wanted to get advice on how to handle ghosting.

For a bit of context, I went on a date two weeks ago with someone who lived very close by. We hit it off and I went back to hers and we fucked a few times. She seemed very enthusiastic about meeting again, and also recently broke up with her long term relationship. I had planned another meetup and on the day of she didn’t respond to any of my texts. I was golfing in the morning so ended up making plans with friends anyways, but still found myself thinking about it.

My question is how do you handle this? Do you just not reply or try and salvage while risking sounding like a simp? I have a lot of anxiety on first meetups due to general nervousness and being a young divorcee/veteran, plus logistically she would make a great local plate.

Any advice would be appreciated, thanks all