I honestly don't know where to begin and I have so many questions to ask. It sounds ridiculous but I feel like I'm in shock. TRP has been something that has always ran through my head even before finding out this subreddit exist. I'm now finding it difficult to reconcile the reality I've been conditioned to believe and the reality that actually is. I feel like a mad man but I'm sure someone here can relate.

Like the title says I'm 26 years old and recently married. My views on marriage slightly differ with some TRP philosophies on marriage, only because I truly believe that the techniques and strategies learned through a TRP mindset can help you maximize your happiness no matter what your relationship status is. I'm going to stop writing now and add more later.

I feel like my eyes have finally been opened, it's simultaneously amazing and truly terrifying.

Edit 1: holy shit this works. I'm all in. Just had an "argument" with the wife and I suppressed every once of beta bitch shit I've accumulated over the course of our relationship and went full alpha. you could tell she was completely caught off guard and didn't know how to react when I didn't fold whenever I usually would. I told her that we need space for the afternoon and we'd talk later. I now have the afternoon to do whatever I want (including but not limited to: not dealing with her bullshit). I love her, I truly do, only now I want to show her what it means to be loved by a man.