Cringe-worthy situation here.

There are 6 of us living in a 2 floor apartment, 4 guys downstairs, 2 girls upstairs. We AirBnB out a room on our floor to save rent. Us guys are all college friends.

One of the guys, who we'll call T, was in a LTR with a girl who we'll call A. Together for 3 years partway through college, things fell apart when she went overseas for 6 months and suggested having an open relationship. T being a dummy went along with it, and you can guess what happened overseas. They had a "soft breakup" upon her return.

Now she's back in our home country, going to start a graduate program, and needs a place to stay. She finds somewhere, is there for a month, then out of fucking nowhere, moves in with us! Even after much discussion between the roommates, where we tell him it's a terrible idea, he moves her upstairs into a free room, which we could have also posted on AirBnB for more money / cheaper rent.

T made the following case: 1) she used to live here a few years ago and we should do something nice for her, 2) she's been having "serious family issues" (wouldn't tell us what) and we should help her out. Reason #3 became apparent in one of our bro moments: he thinks he has a >50% chance of getting back with her.

So she moves in with the implication of needing somewhere till September, we're pissed, T promises (lol) to make these roommate decisions together and re-evaluate in September. T has lived in the apartment the longest and has the longest relationship with the landlords, though my other friend is on the lease. At least A isn't on the lease.

Now here's where it gets fucked. This girl has NO intentions of getting back with T, and every intention of using him for resources. Here are the facts:

  • She told our other mutual female friend that she's "really excited about the cheap rent [living with us and T]".

  • In a surprise turn of events, she has started AirBnB'ing out her room and making money while she's not there -- which was our original intention! In fact she's going soon for a month and a half and won't even be back until September, which is when we're supposed to re-evaluate, and I know the rest of us will vote to kick her out.

  • To accomodate for her AirBnB guests, she has borrowed T's mattress. (he's on business out of town most of this summer). Betas gonna bux.

  • But wait, maybe she's warming up to T and his nice gestures? Nope, we have seen and heard her bring other guys home up to her room. While she has T's mattress still.

This girl is literally cucking our apartment: having other guys over with T's mattress up there, and making extra money for herself that we were supposed to make on the recently vacant room. Not only that, but she's talked to one of our mutual female friends (who doesn't like A btw, because she's so secretive) about moving in one of A's friends into our bottom floor guest room! Bitch gonna take over this apartment soon.

Back in May T just moved her in and left out of town for business, so it's not like we've had open lines of communication either. We're supposed to have a roommate skype meeting in a few days to discuss September arrangements (T and one other guy are out of town).

We've told him about being taken advantage of in the past before he moved her in. At this point I think we need to straight up tell him she's fucking other guys on his mattress while he subsidizes her rent. But I think being too extreme won't take with him.

Me and at least one other roommate would move out, however the setup we have is really cheap, we're living downtown in a large city core at a price point that would make most people mad. But our little utopia is getting fucked by this girl, or moreover, by T's longstanding one-itis. BTW we know almost for sure that he hasn't gotten with any other girls since their soft breakup (about a year ago).

What would you guys advise us to do/tell T? Cheers.