There's a TL;DR at bottom so no commenting who else didnt read this shit

I have good genes, 6'3", 190lbs rn, blond hair that I work on, been working out no abs yet, still have braces (get them asap you don't want fucked teeth) and I just got a pretty short haircut but I am going to work on a flow like a NHL or lacrosse player.

Now here I am I am going to jerk myself off but hopefully you guys realize I am actually retarded.

I've had sex with 7 people, 1 in college and the other 6 in high school. I was 230lbs in HS so I was pretty big and never lifted. Whenever I did have sex I was always super beta lmao one time I came so fast I said sorry oh my God.

The only time I ever initiated contact was when I had a gf for like 1week (fucked quite a few times but i broke up with her because right when I started dating this bitch who knew I liked her seriously throughout hs tried to get with me so I did)

Even then I hung out with that girl for like a full day before kissing her or anything then finally one of my friends just said start making out with her thje fuck her so I did and it was that easy.

But holy shit I am so confused now I literally don't know what to do. I get quite a bit of attention from girls now and I am actually retarded when I try to talk to them.

One example: I rode an elevator with this girl I've never seen who lives on the same floor as me and she recognized me apparently but I've never seen her. She tried to make small talk and I started talking and my voice cracked and it literally just stopped working and I said "I am sorry I don't well with this" and then she laughed a little and said, "haha me neither" then the elevator door opens and I just left. It sucks too because we are sort of bored and even if I decided I didn't want to fuck her I do want more female friends. I just want them around idk if I feel like it would boost my esteme or what. I have heard that men and women can't just be friends though. That's besides the point I was a fucking moron in that convo.

Another time at a club this one girl came up to me and touched my arm and asked my name and I told her and then I saw a friend of mine get there and we went to get drinks. After I got the drink I went back to the dance floor and she was with a group of her friends so I went and danced with them by myself leaving my friends. This other girl was showing extreme attraction and the two girls who were showing attraction started to twerk on each other and use a pole like a stripper pole (once they left a few more girls got around the pole and had fun lmao). I didn't escalate or touch or anything I didn't know who to go for or what, then I left the dance group and as I was walking away this girl comes up and slaps my ass and then runs back to her friends.

This is obviously attraction but I am retarded I way over think things and I use logic literally all the time and I can't communicate with women.

TL;DR: Former betas turned Chads, how did you handle a massive increase in smv? Any books you read that help? How did you learn to physically escalate? Just by not being a pussy?

I am going out this next Tuesday with 4 friends of mine (I usually go out alone because i am bored and I feel that outs me at a disadvantage)

My group of friends I am going out with is actually really clean and good looking, so I feel like this will increase my smv. I will bring somebody back and fuck them I just need some fucking anecdote from somebody or something idk I am way too scared to act the way I can.