TRP tells men to be the best version of you that you can be. If you have to question every little thing that you do and wonder if it's 'Redpill' or not, then you are doing it wrong and you need to read the sidebar materials on /r/TheRedPill and brush up on that knowledge.

While you are improving yourself and becoming the man you want to be, you will stumble fall. If you were raised beta like 80% of men were, myself included, then you will lose your way and revert to your default behaviors from time to time. What really matters is that you're here looking to improve yourself and your situation.

Reading and digesting the sidebar materials on the main sub is crucial to understanding the social dynamics of the world that we live in, and for maximizing your interactions with others in a beneficial way that improves your standing and furthers your goals. If you take time to process this information, you will begin to be more self-reliant and you won't need the opinions of others to set you on your path. Read the info. Let your actions be based on informed decisions you've gained from that info. Stop second-guessing yourself and learn to pick yourself up if you stumble on your path. You will know when you fuck up, and you will know what you have to do next time to avoid it in the future. Read the material. Good luck.