Long time lurker here – I found and have been following the red pill for 1.5 years. About me: SMV=8.5/9 (22, tall, GL, fit, varied interests, student, well read, etc.) Plated and fucked 10+ girls in past 9 months. Been getting sad about the state of women and so I shifted my mindset to be open to LTR (found TRP after last LTR).

LTR’d a girl (after careful vetting) 2 months back: submissive, traditional, good family, n-count=2 (supposedly), etc etc. She asked for exclusivity I said OK. Established ground rules and boundaries that night, she hasn’t tested any of them. I have held frame, continued lifting, etc the entire relationship very well. Ideal TRP relationship so far.

This is the first girl I have really liked since TRP.

Here comes the problem…when I first started seeing her, she told me about this exchange program she was hoping to go on in September 2019. I brushed it off as it was a long time away and I wasn’t sure if I was going to LTR her. I told her very clearly once we started exclusively that I do not do long distance, period. She said OK.

I told her that we would talk about it in June, and if she was still going to go we would break it off so I could enjoy the summer.

Yesterday, I ended up asking her about the exchange and she told me that she was leaning on going. She really wanted to, had planned on it for her entire degree, etc etc. She said that she might change her mind but that if she did end up, she would want to stay together for it was only 4 months, etc. I said, stoically, OK let’s end it now. I drove her home.

Before she left, she tried to argue some more saying we should stick it out longer and see what happens, etc, etc. I said no thanks. That’s it. I was fairly cold and professional in my interaction, I held frame.

However, since then I have felt a surprising amount of regret. I really like this girl and it’s a refreshing change from emotionless plate spinning. I don’t know how to precede.

Looking back, it is quite an ask on my part for her to cancel her exchange after only dating for 2.5 months. I know that girls take longer to trust and invest in relationships. I am tempted to give the relationship a few more months to see if her decision changes.

I think though, if I do that, I should wait till she reaches out again? However, I am going to regret it if she ends up not reaching out, for I sounded rather emotionless and final in our talk yesterday. This all being said, I need some guidance and advice – an endorsed contributors’ guidance would be especially appreciated.

Advice such as: don’t be exclusive at your age is noted but is not helpful, for I want to.

Thank you in advance.