I realize that after years of avoid problems, rather than facing them, I'm not as well-equipped to deal with stuff as I used to be.

I used to have somewhat of a temper, and quick with a come-back if anybody talked shit to me. I even used to have women approach me somewhat, even if mostly just to say "hi."

Then I got into some trouble and somehow decided a "blue pill" lifestyle was the answer. Basically monk mode, but with a side of white-knighting and approval-seeking.

Anyway, since researching TRP, I realize that sometimes I'm sad when I'm supposed to be ANGRY. Or else I'm sad when I'm supposed to be HAPPPY. I feel like just realizing this is progress, but a part of me senses that I might need guidance to "reprogram" how these things play out sometime.

It used to be that I would not let anything negative bother me, whether or not I said anything or did anything. I sort of gave up I guess. Trying to focus on getting back on track. Shit has been bothering me, but I'm still going through the motions of being stoic and stern. Some people have called me out about it. It's like I'm telling myself I'm not bothered by the bullshit, but I still feel bothered by the bullshit.

Anxiety used to be a huge problem for me also, but now I don't know. Everything seems backwards or upside down or fucked off sideways.

Edit: And, I forgot, people are fucking annoying the shit out of me.

I'm just trying to walk my own path and be reasonable, and people have to fuck with me. Fucking up my food order, taking too long to count my change and messing it up, cutting me off in traffic, driving too slow, being on the phone in the turning lane sitting in traffic when you should be going, walking slow while texting at the store.

All the sudden I'm noticing people are fucking stupid. Everybody. I know I made mistakes when I started my first job. But now it seems like everybody is on the first day of rheir first job and the stupidity is bothersome. There's still nice people who know what's going on, but even as I make progress I sometimes notice some A-hole fucking off out of the corner of my eye. It's like all the sudden only the people I know already have any clue what's going on.

It's like yes, I want my change in full at the gas station. Are there that many people telling this cashier they don't want change? Or is he singling me out just to waste my time by asking me stupid questions? And then getting it wrong to further piss me off?

I'm done holding back and being a "zen atudent" steeped in equaniminity or whatever. Time to start yelling at stupid people.