As a fresh student of TRP, I really need some advice on my situation.

A lot has happened in the past 2 months, so a little background first:

This long-distance girlfriend of 3 years of mine was doing everything you'd imagine a girl doing from TRP knowledge - ignoring me, flirting with other guys and going out with them while lying to me and hiding all of this from me. That's because I was the most pathetic BP-ed beta that ever existed. I had a severe case of oneitis with her. When I discovered that she had been lying to me all this time, I lost my shit. Needless to say, I lost my frame like crazy when I threatened her and made her cry to make her realize her mistake and apologize to me. None of that shit worked (obviously) and she broke up with me pretty much then and there by blocking me.

I was absolutely devastated by this. That is when I discovered TRP and started to gain control of my thoughts.

Last week, I did some probably stupid shit. It was valentine's week and I sent her a box full of expensive gifts and chocolates, returned clothes she had gifted me and wrote a 30 page long letter (kid you not) explaining how she lied to me and broke my trust, how I was always loving and caring and an ideal boyfriend and she repaid me by being a lying bitch. I kept the wording to convey this message subtly while showing high-value. I didn't ask her to come back to me.

The aim of all this was to make her feel bad and regret her actions. This was the closure I wanted, but never got. I could have worked on rebuilding myself after this long-due breakup, but I was bothered a lot by the thought that she would happily hop on a new dick, hamstering her thoughts into believing that I was the bad guy and she did nothing wrong.

Situation today:

Since she received the shipment, she has been calling me. I haven't answered her calls yet. She told a mutual friend that she likes this "new me", that she was expecting all of this earlier from me and that she wants to talk to me.

I want to know how she feels and what she wants to talk to me about. The funny thing is that even though she is calling me, she hasn't unblocked me from any place and didn't even leave me any message to request me to talk to her or telling me what she wants to talk to me about.

So, should I just keep ignoring her - not giving her the satisfaction of my messages or calls? After wiping the floor with my non-existent frame over these years in my relationship with her, this seems to be the only way to display my strong frame.

Or should I talk to her and show her my strong frame and DGAF attitude? She became a lying bitch because of my beta-ness over the past year, but isn't necessarily a bad girl. I can try to give this a final chance by trying to manipulate her and win her back.

EDIT: There have been enough red flags and occasions of dishonesty and betrayal from her side that I have made peace with breaking up with her. However, I can't say that I am completely over her. She was the girl of my dreams, so I would forgive her if she whole-heartedly accepts everything she has done, apologizes for it and promises not to repeat it in future. But only when she does this, anything short of that wouldn't melt me.

EDIT 2: I'm getting a lot of downvoting and bashing in this thread. I really appreciate the honest helpful advice I got. As I said above, I'm new to TRP and I realize that being a core BPer all my life, I still need to work a lot on the plugging out process. Thanks all you guys for helping a bro out who is still figuring out this new place. Peace.