This girl is like on a whole other fucking level.

She psychoanalysis every word to the core. Notices every little nuanced facial expression. EVERYTHING.

She can use subcontext and facial expressions so well that no matter what I say she can instantly know what I mean. And she can make so many assumptions using this info that its literally impossible to lie to her or play games with her. She is always fucking DEAD on too. Like she can read my mind and knows what I want ALWAYS.

She knows exactly what to say or what to do to make me feel exactly like she wants me to feel.

Her deception is fucking insane. Its next to impossible to catch her lies. She remembers every nuance to her stories. She knows exactly what to say to get my hamster spinning in such a way that I decide to believe her.

She has like ZERO fucking emotional cues. Its IMPOSSIBLE to tell how she feels. Whenever she is in a weak position emotionally and I have the power its impossible to fucking tell. She shows zero jealousy. Fucking nothing.

I cant tell if this is how all girls are or if this is like a special breed of psycho.

I'm pretty sure she is BPD too if that changes anything...