red pill theory post/question

I've swallowed the pill many years ago but I'm still struggling with this red pill theory part.

TRP main advice for oneitis is 'fuck ten other women', and consciously redefine your image of her in your head by realising her bad characteristics.

However, oneitis and alpha widow are not conscious thoughts, rather emotional feelings/states. So consciously changing your thoughts about her do not change your oneitis status.


  • A man will no longer have oneitis for a girl if he can fuck a girl with higher smv (in his mind) than his oneitis

  • A woman will no longer be alpha widowed if she can fuck a man with higher smv (in his mind) than her chad

One can state that the chad of an alpha widow has an SMV that is so absurdly high (in her mind), as it is subjective etc. that a man with higher smv does not exist. Therefore she is an alpha widow and no other man can reach or surpass this chad smv.

For oneitis the solution could be 'fuck at least 1 woman with higher smv than your oneitis', which might give you oneitis for that girl. Avoid that by plating multiple women of that smv.

The question:

When we're talking about LTR, it's best to have a partner that is of 'one or two' points lower SMV than you are, low n-count, .. but if you've built an abundance mentality by fucking women of higher SMV than your LTR's, well then your standards will just be too high, resulting in the same dynamic as her being an alpha widow (craving someone else).

High n-count is (rightfully) noted as a red flag for women, as she might be alpha widowed and her emotional connection diminishing because of multiple sex partners.

But isn't high n-count a red flag for men as well then? Shouldn't the advice we give to men who want an LTR (or sequence of) be to try and get in an LTR with the woman with the highest SMV they could get (while still being the captain in that LTR) instead of first building abundance and then getting in an LTR with a lower SMV, resulting in an (to him) unrewarding LTR (as he craves other women)?

Having fucked and plated many women myself, but still wanting an LTR, makes me a red flag, and is a bitter pill to swallow. Of course I could try to change my view on LTR vs plating.