Testme Ask TRP Question for RP

Why do women never require an affair partner to wear a condom? (self.asktrp)

Land_of_the_losers WhereAreAllTheGoodMen Shitpost Saturday

And don't forget to bring Solo and the Wookie. (www.forums.red)

bannanawolf Ask TRP Question for RP

I am 35, started feeling major creep vibes from younger women and I don't know how to deal with it. (self.asktrp)

iautrptgl Ask TRP Game Question

I need help/resources on “kiss” game (self.asktrp)

polishknight WhereAreAllTheGoodMen Strong Independent Woman

I know that the romantic love with come in the future! (www.forums.red)

mustangfrank1 WhereAreAllTheGoodMen Damaged Goods

2 Kids by different men and she has Herpes. Anyone Interested? BTW you have to make $250K minimum. (www.forums.red)

Seagram7 WhereAreAllTheGoodMen Shitpost Saturday

Female pickup artist says don't kiss men for the first 3 months of dating is how to find the goodmen...Meanwhile Chad fucks on the first date. (www.forums.red)

Wartortle Ask TRP Relationship Q

Can you win back an ex gf? When it was you fault for lack of sex (self.asktrp)

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