This is my first post on the Redpill and I think I found some useful information in a game forum(Ironic right? How can a game forum full of bluepill nerds have Redpill knowledge?) to all of us. Warning: I´m not a pro in the hooking up game nor a super alpha chad, who bangs a chick every weekend. I´m still a guy in his 20s trying to improve my SMV and my Alpha traits as much as your guys in this forum.

Frustated Beta post:

I'm tired of seeing losers with hot chicks Seriously, today at my college I saw this short, ugly Indian guy driving a Honda civic, and he had a hot blonde girl in his passenger seat. What on earth is up with that?!?!? I would climb mount Everest 10 times just to have a girl like that with me. I drive a BMW coupe and I've struggled all my life to get a girlfriend. What's wrong with this world? Does anyone else get disturbed and offended when you see sights like this? Someone make sense of this ridiculousness.

Old Alpha Player post:

As an older man who's married to a perfect 10, and bedded several others, all blonde's and red heads, I have some advise for you. I don't know where you're from, local culture and customs are different, keep that in mind. I'm from New York, raised in New Jersey, and live in New England. I don't think I could get as much up here, but back home I got more ♥♥♥ than a public toilet seat. If you're not from my area, take that into consideration when reading my advise.

To make sense of your Beauty and The Beast story, this particular chick could have found one of many things attractive about the guy, if that's what was really going on. Not all women are about looks, infact most women are more likely to go for a nice, fun guy, than a good looking do(uc)he bag tough guy. Some women are gold diggers, maybe he's in medical school? If you're looking for a gold digger, keep driving that BMW and worrying about how much your sweater costs. I drove a 93 Acura Integra GS-R in the late 90's early 2000's and I used to wear Nikes, Levi's and a white t-shirt most of the time, clothing never got me laid. Maybe he's got a great personality? Maybe he's a tripod and she wants to play hide the salami with him as part of her sexual exploration? Maybe she goes to class with him, and her car broke down and needed a ride somewhere and knew this ugly ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ would be more than willing to drive her around till she gets her car fixed. Never assume anything. Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see.

Before I get started, remember one thing. The worst thing she can say is 'No', and you'll hear that more than you'll hear 'Yes' if you chase as many women as I did. Learn how to let rejection roll off you back and always hold your head up high. Dating is just like the New York Lottery, you have to be in it to win it. I've been on at least a thousand first dates and only had 4 serious relationships. Currently I'm in a healthy, 13 year long relationship and we have 3 kids. I'm sure we'll grow old together because she's become my best friend and I know I'm hers.

Now for the rules:

1) Always go right up to any woman you're attracted to and talk to her, not her chest, look her dead in the eyes. No cheesy pick up lines, just small talk, then once you get them talking, tell her you'd 'love to get to know her better, we should get a cup of coffee some time' to get those digits. Then wait a couple of days to start callling or texting, don't want to seem too desperate. Make sure you tell her what you've been doing with your friends to explain why you didn't call right away too. Women like confident guys who take control of a situation, or at least in New Jersey they do. When you make eye contact with a hottie, smile, then approach immediately. He who hesitates, masturbates. She'll see you as shy and weak if you waste time being afraid to look her in the eye or looking away when she catches you checking her out. When she does catch you checking her out, smile, nod, then move in to say hello. The Smile part is the most important part. If you have resting serial killer face, you're going to be an eternal virgin.

2) Most women don't like sports, cars and Kung Fu. There are a few that do, but they're a minority, good luck finding one like that. Unless you're looking to shack up with a dude leave the tought guy talk for when you're chillin with the boys. Be funny and entertaining. If she has a good time, she'll want to come back for more.

3) Exercise regularly, keep in shape, it never hurts to have a beach body. I was a mountain biker, a wrestler, and practiced Jui Jitsu and chinese boxing as a young guy. Not to brag, but I looked like a greek god with my shirt off. I'm short, only 5'7" and I pulled it off, you can too. Now I look like The Family guy, haven't seen my feet in weeks!!!! God I miss those days. I used to jog through downtown Red Bank, NJ shirtless and come home with a handful of phone numbers every time. Don't skip leg day either, according to the women I dated, my smile, tree trunk legs and thick neck were what got their attention.

4) Don't brag, let them figure out your virtues. This relates to the last rule.

5) Don't be a ♥♥♥♥, there's more to her than the pink fuzzy taco, the caboose, and the twin peaks. Treat her with respect. Open doors for her, take her places on your dime, chivalry isn't dead.

6) Unless she's married to the guy, or he's a friend of yours, she's not off limits. Every single girl I dated worth dating had a boyfriend when I met her. Ironically, I never had a relationship with a single woman, only hooked up with them. If you go about picking up women the way I did, you had better know how to scrap. Eventually someone will try to kick your ♥♥♥ over a girl if you steal enough of them.

7) Starbucks is a great place for a first date. Eating with people you don't know is a little akward, sipping an overpriced cup of joe however isn't. That and it's a public place, she won't be afraid you'll try to hurt, kidnap, ♥♥♥♥, whatever her. Women are very cautious about who they go where with. Don't be surprised if she invites a friend too, that's a common city girl first date thing to do. Sometimes the bestie will try to trip you up to see how you handle pressure and if you can take a joke.

8) Last but not least, shut up and LISTEN. Listening, and selective sharing is the key to forming a bond. If you sit there and let her talk about herself most of the time, and only respond with non comitted/opinionated answers, she'll feel like she knows you. Try as best as you can to keep your opinion to yourself. If she's a hot nut and it's going no where in the long run, hit it, quit it, and let the boys get it.

Once you're in, don't get wrapped up in family, friend or any drama, that's a good way to ♥♥♥♥ a relationship up. Never give a straight answer if you can avoid it with a non commited answer unless you know what the right answer is for sure.

Let her go where she wants with who she wants, and don't get jealous. If you try to control her early on, she'll be gone real fast.

"Does this dress make me look fat?" - That dress makes you look sexy, unless you want to see it wrinkled on the floor, I need to look the other way.

"My mom said (fill with some drama story). What shoud I do?" - You're a smart girl, you'll figure it out. Don't ♥♥♥♥ with her family business unless she's in imminent danger of doing something stupid.

Offering a back massage is a great way to get into her pants. Take a class, it's worth it TRUST ME ON THIS ONE. Keep massage lotion in your bedroom NO WHERE NEAR A BOX OF TISSUES. You get them to take their shirt off and lay on your bed while you massage them. Then tell her the bra strap is in the way and the massage would be better if she just unclipped it. Don't touch the hiney or boobies, but get REAL close to them during the massage and make sure she knows you're ready too. Gently poke her with the D a few times. Once you get your technique down, she'll be grabbing at you.

(assuming you're 21 or over) Red wine is an afrodesiac, just don't have too much. One or two glasses is a great way to warm them up to the massage.

Don't be a lazy or selfish lover. When you're playing hide the salami, don't rush it, foreplay is the key. Get her all worked up till she demands you give her the D. And ALWAYS try to make sure she gets off with or before you do. If you don't please her in the sack, you're done no matter how charming you are. If you're wealthy and don't please her in the sack, someone else will and you'll be paying for her to do it. When I worked as a Mercedes Benz mechanic, there were SEVERAL wealthy women in the shop looking for a man on the side almost every day. No one is perfect, sometimes she'll be difficult and won't get off before or when you do. If that's the case, pure Ginseng extract increases blood flow... Make sure there's a round 2 where you do pop the champagne bottle too early to finish the job.

Bonus tip: Be nice and talk to fat, ugly girls. It will get women to approach you most of the time if they think you're out hoggin and they would be happy to have you. If you need to get laid, they're all pink in the middle. Just keep in mind, fat girls are like mopeds, they're cool till your friends see you on them.

It looks like the old man knew his tricks to get laid(maximized gaming style), fast back in his goood old days, such a shame he decided to settle down(get married) and stop increasing his SMV, taking care of his body and his alpha traits to marry a HB10. Who knows how many hot chicks in their 20s, he could still be banging if he was still in the game taking care of his body and sharping his social alpha skills, with women? Huh

Well, anyways I hope this post will help a lot of guys, who just got saved from the Matrix just like me. "He who does not hesitate will procreate"

Edit: Apparently there is some discussion in this thread questioning if this is really RedPill advice especially because of rule number 5. Well I have some theories why this worked for him during his days and why today it might not work so well. Maybe the guy was an Alpha Player back in the 60s-80s(a time in which the world was not so feminized), thus in that time being chivalrous was considered an Alpha trait. Who knows right? As for the rest I think it pretty much sums up what redpill traits are expected in a man.