edit2: Am I retarded, or is the off-topic flair not available?

I was a little surprised when I checked my reddit inbox and saw a notification that I've been banned from posting /r/offmychest, a subreddit I'm not interested in and have never posted to (or even visited, as far as I can remember.)

Out of curiosity, I replied to the ban message inquiring why. I think you can guess the response:

theredpill continues to invade this and other subreddits, spreading their hateful messages. We are automatically banning any supporter of this hate group.

If you received a ban notice, you must have posted, commented, or voted in this subreddit sometime, anytime, in the past, as recorded by Reddit. Everyone else does not get the ban notice.

If you do not support theredpill, we are willing to discuss and unban.

Note: I haven't posted anything TRP related to any other subs, or posted anything that could even remotely have provoked this guy. The only explanation is that he goes around clicking usernames for no reason, looking for activity on this sub, and then banning them from his own (quite frankly worthless) sub.

I know this isn't much of a post but I found this amazing and hilarious, and had to share.