A while back, I read a post on here that mentioned briefly that you should adopt the aforementioned mindset.

I think it was Vonnegut who wrote a story about a society of people who practice a religion that they know to be false. They continue to practice it, not because it espouses objective truth, but because the act of believing in and practicing the religion produces tangible benefits in their lives.

You can take that utilitarian approach to thought and belief in any area of your life. Totalitarian regimes have demonstrated that if you subject people to a message over and over again, they tend to eventually buy into it, even if they are initially skeptical.

So brainwash yourself into believing that you are a badass and everyone wants to taste your penis. Because this kind of belief has a subconscious effect on the way you hold yourself, it can actually become a self-fulfilling prophecy, increasing attraction where there may otherwise not be much.

I told this to a friend of mine and he was apprehensive, as he was worried about becoming "full of himself". Relatively few of us are actually at risk of becoming narcissists if you aren't already. On the other hand, the world already has plenty of miserable underachievers with low self-esteem. Those people tend to be much more detrimental to everyone's lives, including their own, than folks with a healthy self-image.

So next time you get done working out, go ahead and pose in the mirror. You fucking sexy beast.