In ancient times, when the seventh commandment was written, adultery meant sex between a man and a married woman. Only in modern times has adultery included extramarital sex of husbands. Again, this makes sense in evolutionary terms. The crime of adultery is to cheat a man into raising children who aren't his. The basic concept of marriage is a contract where the woman pledges her sexual fidelity to guarantee that the children will be her husband's, and in return, the husband pledges to support the family. Adultery is a violation of this contract. Just as rape is an evolutionary crime again women, adultery is an evolutionary crime against men. And this is why men feel extreme emotional pain when cheated on, just as women feel pain when raped. The argument that condoms change this because they allow sex without reproduction misses the point that our feelings evolved before condoms existed. Adultery with a condom is just as painful for a husband as rape with a condom is for a woman.

Women today claim that extramarital sex is the same regardless of which gender does it. But this is nonsense. What women really want from men is commitment. In societies like ours, with unstable marriages, women are insecure and so they over-react to any sign of lack of commitment. Extramarital sex of a man is only meaningful as a proxy for lack of commitment. This is why wives constantly probe husbands about any kind of relationship the husband has with women, whether friendship or work-related or whatever. In contrast, a husband only really cares about whether his wife has sex with another man, and anything else is irrelevant. So the point is that adultery is really a crime against a husband, committed by his wife and another man.

I believe these two crimes are very similar. The analogy is: rape is to women what adultery is to men. How does our society handle these two crimes? Rape is severely punished, but adultery is not only legal, but is actually protected. Consider the mirror image of this, where adultery would be severely punished, but rape would not only be legal, but would be protected. In other words, in this mirror image society, resisting rape would be considered assault. This is analogous to a man who catches his wife in bed with another man, and attacks them and is then charged with assault. All the man was doing was resisting adultery. Of course such a mirror image society is unimaginable because men have a basic sense of decency that women lack, so we would never inflict such a society on women. But women have inflicted our feminist society on men. Historically, rape and adultery have been considered similar crimes. In some societies, rape was only punished with fines. And in many societies, a man had the right to attack, and even kill, another man who had sex with his wife.

Are either of these two crimes ever justified? Let's start with adultery. Imagine a society where divorce is illegal and a woman is married to a man who changed and became worthless and didn't have sex with her. I believe that adultery is justified in this case, primarily because she does not have the option to divorce. No one should ever be denied the opportunity to fulfill their basic evolutionary needs.

So now we can consider if rape is every justified. Imagine a society where prostitution is illegal and women constantly provoke men. Of course, there is no need to imagine this society, because it exists in the USA. A single man in this society is in a similar situation to the woman described above for whom adultery is justified. Single men in this society have no outlet for their evolutionary need for sex, so just as the married woman above was justified in adultery, men here are justified in rape. Banning prostitution harms men the way banning divorce harms women. If women don't want to be raped, they should push for legal prostitution and they should dress more modestly.

Nazi Germany serves as a benchmark of evil, but I think American women are worse. In Nazi Germany, the Nazis had to pick particularly sadistic members of society to operate the concentration camps. The only crime of the average German was to look the other way. If the average German had been forced to see the suffering of the Jews in the concentration camps, they probably would have had second thoughts. Compare this to American women. The average American woman not only tolerates the suffering of single men, but actively contributes to it with their provocative dress. If confronted by the suffering of single men caused by sexual deprivation, the likely reaction of American women would be to giggle. In Nazi Germany, most Germans were not active in torturing people, but in Feminazi America, most women are active in torturing men. I do not think such women deserve any sympathy if they are raped, any more than Nazis convicted of war crimes deserve sympathy if they were punished.

The rape of most American women is justified because there is no other legal means for many men to get sex in America. This is similar to the reason that I feel Robin Hood was justified in stealing from the rich. In England at the time, there was no social mobility, and the poor had no other way of getting enough money other than to steal. What is normally a crime becomes justified when alternative means of meeting a person's basic needs are denied.