Men are supossed to be helpless working bee with a dad bod, trapped in consumerism and debts, and unable to survive without womens validation. You are supossed to simp for women, and make corporations rich by not asking many questions.
You are supossed to have weak frame and be in constant state of fear. The only thing you are allowed to do to ease your existence is to be a weekend binge drinker, and destroy your health by drinking to blackout every saturday.
You are not supossed to have any control over yourself, or anything else.
You are also not supossed to be healthy, and actually the best case would be if you die immediately after you are not able to function as a slave anymore.
And in case you are doing well, time to wife up some gold digger and make her a few kids, which you may or may not see growing up, depends on how your wife feels. Bonus points if you wife up a woman with kids from her past marriage, and take care of her kids as well! What a real man!!
Do all of this, and you will be LOVED by society.
Do you want to be hated? Well have your shit together. Here is my definition of it. Who is that man?
He has no debts. He has enough savings He has stable source of income. He has his vices under control. He has jacked or at least very fit body. He is pretty much outcome independent. He is not needy. He does not need external validation. He is grounded. He is somewhat indifferent. He takes time for himself.
And so on.
Just do some or all of these things if you want to be seen as bad guy. Sure, some will respect you. Some will be attracted to you. But generally speaking, men, women, society, and corporations, and everybody else, will hate you.
Just ranting around after being criticised from my mom about my weight lifting, while she thinks all the best about my brother. My brother is 31 years old, extremely obese, lives on pizzas and energy drinks, and plays video games 8 hours a day.
Also after my father criticised me because I decided to take 4 days of sick leave to support my mental health, and did nothing with these four days except training, fishing, and sleeping. Also, my father is 64 and worked two years in his whole life. I am 37 and started working when I was 16.
Also, frustrated being asked by coworkers am I doing anything else except work and training. Same coworkers who literally just work and drink. At least men. Women coworkers, its not just drinking, its also bunch of head pills.
Also frustrated by company which is promoting young sluts to new positions after 3 months in company. Same position for which I had to work 7 years.
mattyanon Admin 2w ago
Look my dude.......
you have this shit all wrong.
The hatred for awesome guys is a SHIT TEST.
They only pretend to hate it.
Everyone fucking loves a man who has his shit together and doesn't lean on other people.
But they're gonna test you on it.
shit test
shit test failed
that looks weak. don't tell people you're supporting your mental health, just say "need a break, gonna have fun"
these people don't have their shit together, so crabs-in-a-barrel style they will hate on you.
keep your success to yourself, go make your own way in your life, but understand how much those values threaten your family's values which are "lean on other people". If you are successful they will just try and leech off you.
shit test
If it's a shit company: GO SOMEWHERE ELSE.
derdeutscher 2w ago
Maybe it is a shit test, and if its not, its a good thing to still think about it as a shit test.
Thanks for the perspective.
ObliviousDuck 2w ago
In general, people who criticize you for being better or trying to improve are rationalizing their own failure.
From the "jacked guys are all dumb jocks" to "I don't trust people who don't drink" to "where do you find the time to have fun with all that work you are doing".
Best advice I could give you is to try to get those people out of your life as much as possible. One thing you shouldn't do is let those losers get under your skin.
MrSupreme 2w ago
I feel it everywhere I've been and on everyone after finding the red pill. It makes want to stay on track and develop as much power over my life as possible, and be a better man.
The best thing I have found is to surround myself with positive people, no one to nag,complain or whine. It is becoming difficult to find people like that.
No-Stress-Cat 2w ago
Meh. Who gives a shit what anybody thinks? Society can just fuck right off. They can hate us all they want. They asked for it. They're getting what they DESERVE. I couldn't give a shit because it doesn't affect me.