The Red Pill: Discussion of sexual strategy in a culture increasingly lacking a positive identity for men.
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ogrilla99 2w ago
I take issue with her last statement too:
"She knows what she likes"
Yes, and what she likes should drive every good man away. You don't have to fuck a hundred guys to "figure out" what you like. Guys aren't complicated and you should be able to tell whether they're good guys or not pretty quickly, before you hit the fucking stage. If you fuck a hundred losers who weren't good enough for a long term relationship, then that means.... you like losers who weren't good enough for a long term relationship.
"She knows what she doesn't like".
Yeah. You. And guys like you. Because when she still had lots of time to settle down, and could choose guys based on their pure sexual desirability, she didn't choose you. If a girl only had one or two partners, then maybe you could overlook the fact that you weren't one of such a select group. But if a girl has fucked a hundred guys and none of them were you or guys like you, then it's pretty clear you are not what she likes sexually.
"and how she likes it!"
Yep. She likes her sex in short term flings. She hates long term relationships, or else she would have gotten one pretty quickly.
"Apparently, you are who she wants"
Yes. For now. But it pays to ask "why does she want me, when she went through a hundred guys who weren't remotely like me?" It's not the sex per se that bothers guys. It's the decision-making behind it. If you fucked a bunch of guys, then by definition you had access to guys of all types. Why didn't choose me before. Why are you choosing me now. Or to use her analogy, a woman who's eaten her way through the entire aisle of cereals at the grocery store would have had to deliberately skip the Lucky Charms to have never eaten it before. Why is she all of a sudden choosing the cereal she rejected all this time?
And finally, I think most guys would be even able to overlook all of this, if, after choosing them, a woman gave him sex as good / wild / frequent as she gave her previous boyfriends. This is where the excuses like "Oh, I'm not that type of girl anymore", "I was forced into that, I don't actually like doing that stuff", etc. etc. excuses come out. You used to brag about your bukkake sessions with the football team, but now anything more than dead fish sex with your eyes closed and a disgusted look on your face, is out of the question.
And finally, one dig about her Olympic analogy about swimming. You choose the wrong sport hoss. Swimming is a timed event. You actually don't even need two swimmers in the race. The only person you're actually competing against is yourself. The other swimmers in the pool are a distraction meant to make for better TV and to shorten the time needed to get through all the swimmers by bunching them up. Otherwise, they could run each swimmer by themselves in the pool, record their times, and give the gold medal to whoever had the best time.
Heck, go to your local (regulation-sized) swimming pool by yourself. have your friend video tape you. And if you beat Michael Phelps's time, you'll have reporters swarming you. Do it again with a certified timekeeper and you don't even need Michael Phelps to be there for you to credibly brag about beating him. And if that was the first time you ever stepped into a pool, no one thinks less of you than someone who's swum in hundreds of competitions before hitting that time. If anything they respect you more.
So I guess actually swimming is the perfect sport to compare to. Because finding a life partner is also a competition with yourself and yourself only. It's a competition to be the best person you can be, and to find that one person that can make you the most happy. Fucking a bunch of guys isn't a badge of honor. It's not a required step on the path to finding a life partner. No one looks at a happily married couple and says it doesn't count because they didn't fuck a bunch of randos before settling down with each other.
mattyanon Admin 2w ago
The greatest compliment of all is when her previous sex life was so amazing that she doesn't need to have much sex any more.
A man should pay lots of $$$ for this compliment by marrying her.
wswZtyqNGQ 2w ago
It must be getting hard out there for the slores!
Overkill_Engine 2 2w ago
"Please don't pay any attention to the trap that the cheese is sitting in, even if you can still see the mangled corpses of those that came before you laying all around it."
First-light 2w ago
So basically if she is not choosy at all and will pick any man, then she picks you, its a compliment? Come on hamster wheel, you will have to do better than that.
ogrilla99 2w ago
Exactly. That's where the analogy breaks down. She says "if your girl has tried almost every cereal in the store and still wants to be with you, then that is a badge of honor."
Bullshit. I walk down the cereal aisle too. I don't need to taste each cereal to know which ones aren't for me. I can read the ingredients list, look at the advertisements, and make a pretty informed choice about which cereal I would enjoy eating and is healthy for me. I don't need to munch my way through every dogshit option there is to figure this out. A woman who needs to fuck every man she sees in order to eliminate the ones that aren't good for her is not a woman with good decision-making abilities, and that's a far more concerning deficiency than the actual sex she had.
Second, her assumption is that somehow quantity equals quality. There isn't that much difference in most cereals, whereas there's a huge variance in guys. So let's take a different food group. A woman who eats nothing but shitty hamburgers all day doesn't all of a sudden appreciate a fine steak when it's presented to her, or even be able to tell which one's a good cut and which one isn't. Yes, they're both beef, carved out of a cow, but that's where the similarities end. Whether a woman has eaten just one hamburger or a hundred doesn't automatically mean she'll be able to appreciate a steak, or even know how to eat one. In contrast, a woman who's eaten no hamburgers and only a few steaks is far more prepared to enjoy a steak. At least the woman who's only eaten one hamburger, you have a fighting chance of teaching her how to appreciate and eat steak, before any bad habits have fully set in. A girl who's eaten hundreds of hamburgers over a few decades and never even had the urge to save up money and try a steak is telling you something about her preferences in meat. Something you should listen to before taking her to a steakhouse she clearly never had an interest in going to and that she'll quickly get bored of and go back to eating hamburgers.
TJMS 2w ago
Folks, it's a badge of honor to be a roastie's last-chance provider rimshot
Lone_Ranger 2 2w ago
Also, guys, if you can't 'get passed' the milage on the odometer, just buy the car without looking at the odometer or the service history. And then drive around town, never looking at the odometer. all will be well, trust me.
StrongWoman 2w ago
Step number two is pure cringe, certified quality. Step number one sounds more reasonable, but it is still nonsense, of course. It is another one of those cases where women just don't want to understand the man's perspective: Instead of telling that this pure "number" does not convey information to us, she should rather ask men, what information we are reading from this number. It's like me saying "money and height are just numbers, they don't give you any information.", instead of trying to understand WHY those numbers clearly matter to women (more or less, depending on the man / woman / situation / etc.).