When we hear about advertising, we hear the old adage that sex sells. The oldest profession is prostitution. We see the rich ugly guys with young women surrounding them. You see the faithful beta with a mid tier wife that will eventually divorce rape him or cuck him.
I remember seeing a calculator on the internet for the price of sex. I think some social justice type took it down. It got me thinking. I've already written about sexual exchange rates. Now I want to focus on importance. What a man is willing to exchange for sex is their business?
In the past I've been frustrated. Trying to play Captain Save-A-Bro on the RP. There's a level of incel indoctrination and love for being a victim that some will never overcome. I hope to be wrong, but more than likely, I'm proved right.
There are three types of successful men in the sexual marketplace. The first of course ,the game aware men. They will read the sidebar, swap notes and experiment with their playground of the world.
The second is the rich guys. They lead with their wallet. They have abundance because they can buy it.
The third is the guy that won't ever be game aware. He has abysmal social skills. Approach anxiety. His thought are usually base level, if not retarded. His only option is to pack on massive amounts of muscle , keep his mouth shut and hopefully gets lucky enough to have a on night stand ever year or two.
This is for the first guy. Let's look at the value of sex for women: Women get sex for free. No effort, no charisma needed. Just show up and get laid. Most women feel like it was a mistake to sleep with most guys.
So here's the takeaway: for the average woman sex is extremely cheap. Almost worthless.
Imagine if you threw away your kitchen garbage and some guy paid you several hundred per bag. You would see him as a weird loser with a bunch of money.
Now don't get me wrong. I don't see women or sex as garbage and women don't think like that either. But all women get their cues from men.
Their price tag is mighty high for the rich beta or even the non affluent beta. But the game aware guy doesn't pay, he does his fair trade of sex for sex. After time, his lack of neediness is unheard of. A woman's power is not there for him. He doesn't hear "it's not your birthday" ,or I'm just not in the mood.
These women are painfully aware. If she doesn't give him what he wants, many women will. In this way he's not buying or exchanging intimacy. He is gifted sex. No strings attached, no stipulations, just w woman gifting herself for his pleasure. If she falls short, he will get what he wants regardless.
She doesn't care that much about sex. Why should he?
He cares enough to want it and get it but could care less about paying a price for it. Sex isn't leverage for a game aware and successful man. He doesn't give a shit about sex because he will get it. If the girl doesn't want it, that's no biggie. He will find it easily and readily elsewhere.
This is another strange phenomenon. The less you care about a girl holding sex over you, the more she will gift it to you without stipulations.
Typo-MAGAshiv 2 2w ago
I feel ya there.
Rexx 2w ago
"This guy is so unbothered by me. And he's clearly not desperate. Why is that? Does he have other women? Why do I care? Well I like a challenge. I need to find out more about him. Why am I thinking about him so much? I bet I can fuck him better!" -the female hamster in response to men who dgaf
AbusiveFather1 2w ago
this needs to be pinned
mattyanon Admin 2w ago
This is what they SAY. But watch what they DO.
Cheap yes, worthless no.
And women do not have an abundance of great sex with attractive men. They are forced to compromise. There are just not many great charismatic men with a decent body, good looks and so on. How many men do you know who have a 6 pack?
Women SAY they have abundance, but they're also often very frustrated because they don't have an abundance of great options.
And it's why you should always practice abundance or seeming like you have it even when you don't: if you are attractive you have abundance..... therefore if you have abundance you must be attractive, and if you don't you're not. Completely self fulfiilling.
So I agree with everything that you're saying, but it all boils down to "live in abundance".
AbusiveFather1 2w ago
what are some ways to signal abundance if you don't actually have it? other than not being desperate and not chasing
mattyanon Admin 2w ago
Indifference to outcome (which is almost the same as passing shit tests).
Teasing her..... ie you're the one in control.
Not compromising / paying / agreeing to anything.
Not arranging the next date all the time.
Being ambiguous and not complying with her requests for your actions or information.
Not supplicating obviously.
Acting like it's all no big deal (because you have a million other options).
Being happy.
Musicgoon78 2 2w ago
Absolutely Based. Great response!
MrSupreme 2w ago
I think some women do feel sex is indeed worthless for them.That is why they give up after hitting the wall. I have acouple of aunts that gave up after their first divorce,at around mid 30s,they never entered the market again,ever. Turned into old ladies at around 40,never saw dick again,never fell in love again.
For contrast I have this other aunt who,while older than the others and still divorced, made sure to enter the market every now and then,they make fun of her but she is getting married this year,she is around 70 and the guy is a decade or two younger.
Some women just hang the towel and dry up, forever.To them,sex and love become worthless,not cheap.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 2w ago
My two aunts are such women. As far as I'm aware they've gone sexless for 30 years