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throwaway415 1mo ago
its really sad hearing about all these guys still getting screwed like this.
it's easy to say "well he should have just seen the red flags and not been such a beta" but society conditions men to be like this, and its a very difficult conditioning to break unless you're one of the lucky few who grew up with better influences.
I know this forum shits on betas and simps a lot, and rightfully so, but still, it hurts hearing about what these guys are going through. I hope more and more men will continue to wake up to the reality that the juice isn't worth the squeeze. If men stopped giving these women so much attention and affection and re-instituted the social/cultural institutions that kept women's shitty behavior under control in the past, we wouldn't be in this mess.
Sadly it would take at least a few generations to undo all the damage that feminism/"sexual liberation" has done to global society, and so many young men's lives would end in ruin, prison and death, and so many young women would grow up to be nasty thots because of the epidemic of single motherhood and lack of proper male role models.
SwarmShawarma 1mo ago
Tough love you don't want to shit rainbow like with girls.
Arcturus 1mo ago
It doesn't sound like she has divorced him yet. If he was smart he'd be talking with a divorce and custody lawyer now about how to best position himself if she files first. I doubt he will file first, or do anything to prepare though because his mindset is hopelessly bluepill.
Lone_Ranger 2 1mo ago
he needs to start diverting assets. And then string her along until at least 12 months have passed.
Guys, never forget to feed your secret accounts.
First-light 1mo ago
Good advice like this is golden. Stash. It might even protect you from big state.
SwarmShawarma 1mo ago
12 months because the required evidence goes 12m back.
But then need to make sure nothing comes to the light, because although the UK's court requires 12 months, it also says that if a fraud comes to the light, spouse can take you back to the laundry.
I think there was the case of a lotto winner that hid this info and got reevaluated.
First-light 1mo ago
Buy gold and wait, inflation won't dent it most years
First-light 1mo ago
"I am tired of feeling like I am always in the red with her in some way" This strikes a truth in probably most relationships. Women seem to feel that they have already done you a favour just by being there. You continue to carry your ungrateful passenger.
The contract between men and women needs re-writing. generations of dating where men are happy when the woman just turns up and agrees to walk around with them and eat the food they paid for has made women very much overvalue their contribution. Being an ungrateful passenger is not a contribution!
cundardunfinished 1mo ago
Louis CK has a lot of good things to say about divorce. I remember in one interview he talks about his wife nagging him to take out the garbage, so he starts to do it, then forgets one time and then it's 'you never take out the garbage.'
The way he described it was it's hopeless because you never build equity with the other person. If they find fault and you change, they still see you as the same flawed person. That's what I took the guy to mean being "in the red" and it is a death spiral for a marriage. Poor bastard
First-light 1mo ago
That is true too. Men are loyal by nature, they don't run away easily. It makes them suffer a lot sometimes.