I want to talk a little about the saying "what do you bring to the table"?
This is a good thing to think about if you keep it simple.
Your goal as a man getting into an interaction with a woman should be an even exchange.
If you get stuck watching YouTube trash you will see hoes and gold diggers always exclaim the same thing, "I am the table".
This is womanese for *"I have nothing to offer except my body. I'm going to charge you a hefty sum for it". The calibrated man will get this type of woman at a bargain basement rate and the average chump will pay through the nose.
Recently, my main girl's brother came from Florida to visit us. Our friends had a party. We were drinking and playing would you rather.
The question came up would you rather date a guy that was financially well off, but sucks in bed or a poor guy that was amazing at sex?
In a moment of total honesty, the consensus on this question from the women was I would go with the guy with money, then cheat on him. The women gave each other high 5s and laughed. It was hard to hear.
You might be saying "Well Goon, this is basic hypergamy, AF/BB". You would be correct. But the point isn't how shitty this is, the point is currency.
Both hypothetical guys in this scenario got this girl, but both of them had a different exchange rate.
We see this in this forums and subreddit. Guys work hard to be rich, gain muscle, get a career, buy a house etc..... All in the name of getting laid. This done for yourself is a good thing. Let's also be honest, most guys level up to be a more successful beta for a high maintenance woman. This is the guy one of these girls marry. They exchange all these expensive and lavish resources for a piece of ass. His woman will "go out with the girls" and leave him with the kids while she goes to get railed.
Then the other guy comes along, he has developed charisma and humor, he is sexually adventurous and confident. He could give a flying fuck if the woman is super hot and he could care less if she's saddled with a beta guy. He's kinda broke, bounces around like a nomad and has a bunch of fun stories to tell. He's exciting and spontaneous. His currency is simple: he is trading sex for sex. An even exchange and he will probably have the same exchange with a few or many other women throughout the week.
Guys, please think about your exchange rates. What is the cost of sex for you? If you spend the majority of your time looksmaxxing, building wealth and getting expensive things to get laid, there's a guy out there spending his time getting laid.
First-light 1mo ago
Good post.
I would add that "I am the table" just can't really work in this day and age in the west. If I buy furniture I do what I like with it, I take care of it because it is mine and it does not run away. If its stolen the law will bring it back to me. No woman -absolutely no woman is worth buying into in this day and age in the west. You can rent the table if you like, scratch it if you like and leave it anywhere you like but you need to see it this way and be renting from disposable income.
The cuck does get a slightly different deal than the cool guy. He does get more of a relationship for better or worse. Some men are lonely enough to think this is a good deal. Others (like me) might see that as a disadvantage.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 1mo ago
Solid post again [fire emoji]
derdeutscher 1mo ago
Casual, the most I ever paid for a chick is a beer or two before railing. Sometimes they pay as well.
Relationship, if she takes care of my apartment, cooks, cleans, fucks, and is not pain in the ass, I will treat her with dinner here and there. Or some small present if she really deserved it.
Thats about it.
Only time when I would give more is if she is mother of my children and taking care of them and household. But than I would see it as giving money for family.
If a girl does not fit into this narrative, I have no interest whatsoever.
Musicgoon78 2 1mo ago
I think all guys should be aware if they are investing in a household or just getting used for their resources.
derdeutscher 4w ago
Yeah..but thats a tough one sometimes..my weak spot is a woman who takes care of household, kids, and me. Woman who makes me a dinner after I come from work, nurtures my kids, and gets up in the morning only to make me breakfast and prepare my suit for work is what melts my cold player heart.
My now ex girlfriend was casual and went shopping with me once. I was in a good mood really and told her go get whatever you want. She said ok and did not buy any make up, fragrances, clothing, or whatever. She ignored all of these and took a shopping cart and bought lot of stuff to clean my apartment. Plus a frying pan so she can cook us dinner better.
Thats the day I knew she managed to lock me down in a relationship.
Every men has a weak spot I guess.
Tempsyy 3w ago
This is gold, absolutely true. Personally I haven't had that many experiences, but my weak spot would be a woman that opens up about her desire to reject degeneracy, someone that is relatively simple, has ambitions but is feminine at the same time. There aren't many girls like this nowadays but I feel like the more I try, the more opportunities I have. A lot of girls try to fake this nowadays and I feel like the more we go on with the years, the more hard it will be to spot the hidden signs that she's actually a hoe deep down.
As for now since I'm not that experienced I always follow the "she's a hoe until proven otherwise" rule.