Alright fuck sticks here we go. This shit isn’t rocket science. This isn’t a guide for getting into an LTR; merely finding hot sluts to smash and ideally build a roster with.

Hot chicks that are down to fuck frequent bars/clubs. It’s aka the meat marketplace. As a man, to be “in demand” in said market, you need to have a good physique and wear well fitting clothes that accentuate your musklez. Much like a fire baddie wears dresses that accentuate her booty cheeks and titties, you should wear t shirts that show off your arms/back/chest. This is pretty elementary redpill stuff but there it is. Aside from that, good hygiene, good cologne, good haircut (figure out what works best for your hair type/hairline/etc and rock it).

  1. If you don’t have a good physique; work on it. Lift heavy. If you’re above 15% bodyfat you need to slim down. Lift and do cardio + eat at a caloric deficit (500-1k cal deficit per day). Depending on how much of a fat fuck you are, this process can take anywhere from 1-3 months; possibly even more. If you’re below 15% bodyfat and not big enough; lean bulk. Eat at a caloric surplus of ~500-1k cal/day for 1-3 months and then go back to cutting once you get back to 15%-16% bodyfat. Rinse repeat. Everyone’s genetically different so will take some trial and error to figure out the protein/carb/fat breakdowns your body responds best to.

2) confidence/charisma/charm is built with practice. You could be the most introverted pussy fuck on the face of the planet; I promise if you consistently go out in social places (aka bars/clubs) overtime you’ll pick it up. You’ll see the vibe around you and start to gradually replicate it. Fake it till you make it. Be friendly; don’t be a chode. If you’re riding solo it’s obviously going to be an uphill battle (AT FIRST). But eventually you’ll be in the right place at the right time and strike up a convo with a bro and boom next thing you know you guys will become best buds. If you don’t have friends, I can assure you that continuing to not go out and put yourself out there will continue keeping you in the same friendless space. Don’t need to have some tough guy “fuck off vibe” aka resting bitch face. Be smiling; don’t be scared to knock down a couple drinks to get socially lubricated. Esp if you’re solo; offer to buy dudes you think are cool drinks. They’ll remember you next time; and overtime you build social proof bc guys will be dapping you up when you enter the venue. Be a likeable person. This will help you get bitches and make friends; it’s a win win.

3) approaching women: don’t be a pussy. now obviously some social calibration is important here. If you see a chick that’s obviously preoccupied w another man’s; that’s deadweight. Look for the blatantly single shawties; those are the ones looking for dick. Pro tip: if they’re in a group of 2; maybe 3 you can almost 1000% smash that night. Groups of 4+ you’re 100% not going to rail that night but you can lay the groundwork for a future lay. Talk a bit, grab a few drinks, get the contact make plans and dip the set. You also don’t wanna come off as a total sperg but if you see a hot chick that you wanna fuck the living shit out of; go THE FUCK UP and talk to her. 20% of the dudes fuck 80% of the bitches and you can bet your left nut the other 80% of dudes are too pussy to even try to walk up to a chick so they sit on the sidelines with their dicks in their hands. Sure you’ll fumble the bag lots of times at first… but if you’re consistently working on your physique and consistently getting out of your comfort zone; EVENTUALLY shit will fall into place and work in your favor. People will argue all day about what’s the best way to approach; the best “game” and tactics. Me personally I like to be pretty direct “hey you’re hot as fuck wanna take shots” Shit works out great for me. You don’t need to stick to a script; just go with the flow and let the conversation naturally take its course. Throw in a few light topics and see what sticks. Plenty of this in the sidebar. Granted; if it’s a group of 4+ you need to approach a lil differently and basically talk to all of them.

4) logistics and closing: the night is winding down and you’ve been chatting up a baddie and her friend. It’s almost closing time at the bar. Pretty much always at this point the ladies will go to the bathroom. This is where your fate is decided: they debate on whether or not you’re gonna get to smash the baddie. As long as you’ve had a good rapport and didn’t come off as a crazy serial killer rapist; you’ll probably get the green light from her friend. I like to openly invite both back to my place “hey y’all wanna go back to mine and take shots/smoke pot? Oh I also have a cute ass frenchie” and then show pics of my dog. Pro tip: get a fuckin cute dog. They are man’s best friend for a reason. If it’s a no go; don’t be persistent. Take the L, get her contact if the vibes there and try again another night. On the other hand if you do secure the green light…

5) one way ticket to poundtown: shawtie is heading back with you to your place. Throw on some jams, bust out some shots/drugs or whatever the fuck tickle’s your pickle. At this point you two are now isolated… you could damn near say whatever the fuck you want at this point. “So like wanna make out?” And then start macking, escalate, get naked and do the dirty deed. Read up sex god method if you need the ins and outs of how to fuck. Being good at sex and able to make women cum is pretty rare in todays soyboy society so you’re practically guaranteed repeat business.

6) establishing a plate: a one night stand is not a plate…. It’s a one night stand. You need to give her good dick so she wants to come back. When your fun is over; hit her w a lil “hey I had s really great time; let’s do this again soon”. And then wait. And wait some more. 3-5 days later hit her up to make plans. And then fuck again. And then you only really wanna fuck that chick once a week. Establish a certain night of the week that’s her night of the week ya feel? If she asks for another day tell her you’re busy; you got work to do n shit. Bitches love a mysterious busy man… especially these hot sluts with daddy issues; it reminds them of their father. When it comes to plates less is more. Treat em like dirt and they’ll stick to ya like mud. Stand out from the rest of the simps that wanna take em on dates n buy them flowers n shit. This will keep them chasing you instead of the other way around.

7) tinder/OLD: imo unless if you’re in a major city/college town this shit kinda dead. and even if you are in those environments the competition is pretty fierce it’s not easy buckets like it used to be. And imo most of the women on OLD are absolute trash it’s a small percentage of actual dimes on there; imo not worth the time/effort. But you can supplement your roster and rip the tinder while you rip a shit.

8) final note: these practices require money. Don’t necessarily have to go in leading w your wallet but buying ppl shots n shit you gotta be ABLE and willing to spend like $100-$200 on a night out. If you’re not in a place financially where you can RESPONSIBLY spend like that you need to fix that first. Way more important than getting laid. Additionally; make sure your purpose isn’t strictly chasing bitches. That’s a path that leads to nowhere. Outside of all of this you should be chasing your own goals and ambitions; this should be a 1-2 nights/week maximum type of activity.

Fair warning 99% of these girls won’t be suitable for LTRs but you can certainly become FWBs at which point you might start to invest a little more (take them out to eat occasionally n shit). But keep that in mind… if you found her on the streets leave her in the skreeets. Do not try to wife a hoe… I repeat do not try to wife a hoe. Unless you’re just doing it to make some crazy gainz in the gym in which case you might be one twisted fuck; seek Jesus and therapy. Over time you will adjust and the social calibration will become secondhand nature; it’s like driving a car. You’ll learn what works best for yourself as you go along on the journey; stop relying on all these crazy tactics.

It’s not rocket science lads. Best of luck; financehardo out.