Watch what they do, not what they say
Short and sweet FR. Extreme example but it doesn't matter. Mild analysis attached.
TL;DR hoe says she wants something serious, her behaviors clearly demonstrate the obvious but a guy who doesn't know better would fall for it
The Chick
She's a stripper, been covertly (if not somewhat overtly) trying to fuck me and she knows I ain't pursuing her. I run some token game on her to stay in state and have pretty girl preselection, but otherwise IDGAF.I already know what she looks like naked because she carelessly scrolled her camera reel (possibly on purpose) and I saw her nudes. Not bad, I'd fuck if she wasn't a whore and if she wasn't sonwild for me even for a quick fuk, but I digress
The Lie (Vet her words)
Both in person and OLD lie. Saw this hoe's Hinge account and it was shamefully inaccurate. At this rate I'm just going to say whatever the fuck you see on any girl's OLD (even if they want to guzzle Jesus' nutsack and looking for a 'life partner') disregard their profile description.
This stripper had "ranch employee" as her job, as if she fukken tends a farm lol. She had "Christian" listed as religion, some profile prompts about wanting the real deal, and "long-term relationship" listed as her looking for.
In person she was flirting with me and said she "doesn't do casual" because she's "in it for the long term"
The truth (watch their actions)
Now as this girl is telling me she's looking for long term (about a month ago) she also points out the guy across from her -who is literally with another hoe literally- and says he gave her a hickey, shows me it and shows me the photo of them hanging out that day
Fast forward to last night. She bitched about how much she was getting hit on (womanese translation: getting hit on by men she wouldn't fuck). And then she went home with the Chad security guard (former marine corps, pretty boy face, good bouncer style, asshole game)
Fast forward tonight she shows not only me, but the other bouncer who was there last night (off-duty at another venue) her tit bite marks. She shows us her literal tit bite marks. Makes some lie about "not doing anything" and then trickle truths that she got "fingered" (obviously she had to have been naked
Claims they didn't fuck, that she's "hard to get sex with" and then guess what, she went home with bouncer #2 tonight and tried to kiss me, too. I know I could have fucked by now if I was willing to fuck a stripper (but your boy ain't)
Always watch what women DO, not what they SAY
This woman has tried numerous times across numerous contacts to give her long-term relationship credentials but otherwise (80% of the time it would seem) acts like a complete whore.
Always watch a woman's actions over her behaviors. Their words are meaningless without supporting confirmation
chad_chan 10mo ago
What is "OLD" short for ? (Sorry about this stupid question)
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
Ur banned.
Just kidding. It stands for OnLine Dating
Lone_Ranger 2 11mo ago
it's astounding how many women think that you are going to be impressed when they tell you that they are sluts (she is telling you in many different ways, and even offering up proof, in case you don't believe her). It's astounding. Considering that for a chick, its about as hard to get laid as it is to fall off a chair. Why would we be impressed?
I think women sluts get this more wrong than anything. It's all to do with projection. THEY are impressed with guys with triple digit body counts, its THEY that want to date man-sluts only (because they hate nice guys and incels). So they make the mistake of thinking that WE want to date or fuck sluts.
They really are that dumb.
Intrepid_Place53900 1 10mo ago
"amazed at how many women think we are impressed they are sluts"
Yup, I think they do realize it, but don't think about it because the truth hurts their feelings.
Like, hey, I fucked all these guys, I must be hot.
No dear, you are a plain Jane, they just wanted to bust a nut.
For a guy to be a slut, he's got to be hot in some way.
Problematic_Browser 1 10mo ago
Men can't be sluts because men don't get indiscriminate offers for pussy.
The only men who get such offers are men who have earned it. A 2/10 can get fucked if she makes it known she's a willing set of holes.
Why do you think women use "incel" as an insult for men and "slut" as an insult for women and not vice versa?
ObliviousDuck 11mo ago
I don't believe being an overt slut can be explained by the usual sollipstic argument. They know very well a slut is low SMV, they just don't care.
I believe it is rather explained by low self esteem. This kind of women seek abusive relationships and its their way of filtering for the kind of guy who's willing to engage in their bullshit.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 11mo ago
This and probably genuine sex addiction
DataSender 11mo ago
IMO sex addiction as men think about it would come primarily from testosterone. As for women it would come from other place, being broken in some way: I'm guessing that it is: low self esteem AND lack of standards whatsoever. Whatever it is - it removes slut defence and leaves only tiny token of it for a good/fprward enough mating partner.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 11mo ago
Like any addiction, primarily dopamine related/reward related to cover up other missing parts of people's lives
DataSender 11mo ago
I agree that dopamine play part. But there is something that removes initial barrier to approach sex.
DO you think that that damaged women generally lack dopamine and this is main reason they are broken?
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
Honestly I'm not sure. No one has really gotten into neuropsy with hoes in TRP past dopamine and oxytocin basics
Would kind of have to actual research to answer this. Will do it one day if i have time to do a lit review on dopamine and self-esteem/sex behavior
Lone_Ranger 2 10mo ago
I think it has much much more to do with validation. Women sleep around because they have no self worth - they derive all of their self worth by measuring themselves against the yardstick of 'attractive to men' - so if a slut has slept with 50 guys, she has proven to herself that she is desirable. This is why I often hear women 'boasting' about what sluts they are. They think I'm impressed, but really, no man is.
DataSender 10mo ago
I think it is one of the most disgusting things one can be told. I can say it from a position of a guy growing up on a farm among animals and cleaning up the most disgusting thing one can come across. Diarrheous cat, liquid shit.
Lone_Ranger 2 10mo ago
True, sometimes I might be sort of gaming a chick, in a sort of non commmitted way, just being open to it. And then when she starts bragging about what a total slut she is (or was) I totally just lose interest.
For example, I was flirting with this woman I was working with, she was late 30s, and she was certainly interested, she was flirting back quite a bit. And in convo, I asked her what sports she did at university, and she said 'Does competative dating count? hahahahaha I mean, I must have been with half the football team' I just totally lost interest in her. Who wants a used up near 40 year old that used to be slut but isn't anymore, only because nobody else is interested?
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
That's disgusting
Lone_Ranger 2 10mo ago
She genuinely thought that it made her more attractive.
Honestly, women don't even try to understand mens preferences.
I see her on LinkedIn now and again - I'm pretty sure she's single now, in her 50s. Cats and whine.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
The root cause of this imo is these women do not care about men, they only care about what men can for them, so they never bother to understand what men want
What do you do when someone you don't care or respect starts to tell you something that matters to them or even critical feedback about yourself? You dismiss it. Same thing some of these women do the second a man starts talking about what he wants
Lone_Ranger 2 10mo ago
Correct. Another cause of women being ignorant about what men want is that they don't like it. They do not like the truth that men want responsible respectable women that aren't sluts and adore their husband. This to them sounds like the patriarchy, which can't be good. So they choose to believe something else - that men like SIW with lots of 'experience'.
I've always said that women are the more delusional of the species.
Intrepid_Place53900 1 10mo ago
well, the part about women don't like the truth about what men want.
Part of it is because , she can't change the past. A slut is a slut, can't change that.
The other part is feminists, men want submissive women, the opposite of what MSM is pushing o them. U go girl
delusional? for sure, I see some women are, but honestly, deep down I think they understand. But, they never want to recognize/accept it, because the truth hurts. Thus the Hamster is put into turbo mode.
Vermillion-Rx Admin 10mo ago
DataSender 10mo ago
You could also think she REALLY might have impressed you - not sarcasm. She tried to do it same way she was impressing her female companion. She turned woman simp and stopped thinking being also nervous], just blurted out first thing she would normally say trying to impress familiar crowd.
Haha Karen was really impressed with that, @Lone_Ranger don't tell me that you are not on a hook.
If not - here have a look - this is my face cumshot.
Lone_Ranger 2 10mo ago
Not sure what you're on about dude?
DataSender 10mo ago
Promiscuous women without any hobbies never worked on conversation skills, they can: shit tests, respond to sexual jokes with pump and dump dudes, talk with girls [sex, shopping, bois].
If she liked you [seems she did] and tried to chat you up [use conversation skills] - all she was able to come up with based on her experience was choice of the above [+factor in stress]. Basically only funny conversation topics she had for you was to talk about bois/sex.
That is not too different to dude that is not successful with chicks and starts to talk about fishing, repairing cars, football, because that's all he knows.
I faintly remember girl that liked me and started the chat with rude shit test, I was like WTF, fuck off.
Gilles 11mo ago
Good post. Why don't you want to fuck her?
Lone_Ranger 2 11mo ago
are you not listening? our boy doesn't want his dick to get covered in warts and then fall off
Vermillion-Rx Admin 11mo ago
I don't want my dick to disintegrate into ashes