This analogy just occurred to me after living a year in America:

The state of affairs in America is such that the “liberal”, feminist women have taken up the role of thugs in lawless (or corrupt) lands; they have nothing going for them in their lives, they’re desperate, and they attempt to address their condition by being destructive and chaotic. They know they won’t be punished for their brutish behavior - they know they can even get away with assaulting people. Thugs have a “what are you gonna do about it” attitude, they have no backup plan and they rely heavily on the law’s and citizens’ leniency. Thugs tend to engage in acts that are considered suicidal in the presence of the law, and the longer they’re let off the hook, the more they believe in their own invincibility.

Thugs run rampant until they’re dealt with by the marshals. Now, I don’t know who’s going to act as the marshal in our case, but our thugs definitely won’t stop of their own accord.

Just wanted to share my thoughts.

PS: Thugs also bribe the law to look the other way, or even directly aid them.