I'll try spare the long intro, but I'm late 30s and only found the TRP about six months ago.

I'm nowhere near finished, and I'm half monk mode TBH - I've got so much to work on and first thing is building myself up rather than getting involved with anyone ; but the most amazing thing is my brain has gone from being broken/depressed to recovering/happier. Basically, I was a beta - too much of a people pleaser ; a cuck to women aka too nice and eventually this sent me in to a spiral of pretty much becoming a semi-recluse - not just that ; but just didn't see the joy in life at all.

Anyway, six months on and after some basic changes posture, walking up right, calm/collective and more of a relaxed manner in public e.g if I see something funny or interesting on my phone I'll show my natural emotion, even if I'm on my own. I was your average beta/nervy/jittery guy especially around women. Next time you go out, check out how many 'weak' men are out there and I was one - one of the saddest sights is beta men who are extremely drunk at closing time and you can see them thinking ''Shit, I've not even spoke to one girl'' probably their main intention of going out to party!

I would be too scared to look at a woman who might have shown an IOI, or if I did and they looked down (thought it meant they were disgusted with me). Sometimes my head would shake slightly if even someone vaguely attractive showed me some interest, or even go red! An absolute shambles really.

I haven't changed much. Just walk a bit more up tight, calm, don't rush in and tbh, try and be myself but a lot more assertive, less needy and basically stopped putting women on pedestals. I'm not that different, and still got work to do but been noticing women are a lot more flirty.

Do women somehow smell confidence? As ridiculous as that may sound, I'm not that different - just I'm not hiding away or looking at the ground as much. I might be passing shit tests more - I've noticed one woman who was slightly indifferent to me is now laughing at everything I say or do! It's not even shit tests, some strange women are even just doing things like standing or sitting close to me.