Hey everyone, been having a problem here and thought maybe one of you could offer a word of advice. The post is quite long, but I hope you have time to read all of it.

A little bit of background - I'm 18 years old, in my first year of university. Kissless virgin, never had a relationship before, though I'm quite tall and not bad on the when it comes to looks. Before I started uni I went to an all-boys school, so didn't have much contact with the opposite sex - and when occasionally I would meet an attractive girl I had abhorrent social skills and never had the courage to speak to her, would rationalise not making a move on her every single time.

After moving back to my home country (in Eastern Europe) for university, I made a big shift in actually starting to work on my social skills, and started to actively work towards getting a girl. Still being very new and inexperienced, I developed a oneitis for a girl in my class and became pretty much the definition of "nice guy". During this time I wouldn't even look at any other girls. Although the oneitis certainly enjoyed receiving my attention, my actions didn't get me the results I wanted and it took me about half a year to realise that I should let her go and move on.

Naturally, after admitting defeat I started looking for answers, and after a tough battle trying to fight beta social conditioning I took the red pill and it all made fucking sense. I read "No More Mr Nice Guy", devoured Rollo Tomassi's Youtube, blog and books, spent ages reading the top posts here. Now it makes sense, I started to get how attraction for women works, why female psychology works the way it does and finally understood what I was doing wrong. At this point (February) my former "ideal girl" unexpectedly failed a crucial exam, dropped out of university and moved away - made me feel quite relieved that I didn't end up in a relationship with her. At the same time, I was doing very well, got elected into a leadership role within the student council, made great friends, slowly kept working on gaining status and confidence.

Armed with an understanding of plate theory and game, now I know I'm in a much better position than before (though I obviously have plenty room for growth). While completely abstaining from drugs, alcohol and porn, in March I continued building up my status, started going to social events and successfully getting girls' numbers on different occasions - even once approached a very attractive girl in the canteen, which was very tough for me but I still did it. Unfortunately, that's about as far as I've gotten - I'm only just starting to not be afraid of engaging in physical contact, and I'm still very anxious with escalating and showing my intentions. Even with my most recent approach that I mentioned earlier, it's difficult to even call it a real approach - I started off good but then made up a bullshit excuse for getting her number, didn't connect with her and walked away heavily sweating and with my knees trembling.

Seeing that I have so much work to do, I keep spending more and more time consuming RP content, and at this point it's become an addiction. I've started to neglect my studies, fucked up my sleep schedule, began falling asleep with my ebook on, reading exclusively RP/Manosphere books and articles. So my question is - how do I move on and stop thinking about the red pill 24/7? How can I have a good, well-rounded life, while still working on becoming successful with women?

I hope all this context and background isn't over-the-top - I felt like it needed to be said to give the full picture. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.