A red pill summary mixed with personal experience.

Controversial opinion: looks matter a lot, your body count also matters.

But this will trigger a lot of woke, don’t talk about reality in essence.

If you disagree with the woke opinion you're automatically out. But of course they are “moderate”.

Lots of women are like “I’m quite a liberal and a feminist, but when I’m horny I want to be fucked by the most misogynistic man alive”.

Sure, rea feminist! No for real, real feminist, that’s how they all work.

Red pill is the truth they don’t like but want.


Imagine living your life on false pretenses.

That’s exactly what it is, they live their life on false pretenses.

Say that they like “blue-pill” but actually go for red-pill like men. Women want red pill men. They say they don’t but their actions speak louder than words. Those single moms didn’t get inpragnated by blue pill men then left, they actively choose the red pill men while the blue pill man who could have given them a nice relationship (like a nerd vs. stud) was actually in the corner waiting for his chance that he never got.

So rather than blame themselves and their crap choices. They blame the men for their crap choices and want all men to become blue pill so that they feel safer despite the blue pill not being the men that they actually go for. Such hypocrisy, how does that even work for us? Those double standards?

If the blue-pill was the stud nobody would go for the red pill. It’s only when the blue pill fails, and you realise it fails, because women don’t like blue pill, they don’t go for it, that you actually go for red pill or black pill that works. Sure, some things matter, like emotional connection, but looks is king, and being a stud and bit a little bit of a jerk like teasing and such is also king.

Women like that, just look at one of women’s favourite shows – Lucifer, to see what they really are into.

What do you want me to do? follow your crap ideology that is essentially giving me a losing game? So that you have 1 more slave to your simp army?

They say they like blue-pill men but actually go for red-pill men.

You propose, no, you demand and enforce on me a shit ideology that if I would follow I would be your best friendzone material, not your best boyfriend material.

But you don’t care about what men want, saying that “men should be blue-pilled” is 100% selfish. Saying that men should be blue-pilled while sleeping with red-pill men and raising a shield of “social justice” is 100% hypocrite.

Men want something out of this too, not to get used, that’s why they follow red and not blue pill.

P3. Hard to Get

For some reason it's far easier to 'humanize' a woman when I'm not interested in her romantically and look/talk with her like a person.

But funny thing is, feminist complain about objectifying women, but they are part of the problem.

They can complain about this all they want and be 200% mad. But life is a competition and women pick the winners.

In this sense, treating a woman like a human is not part of the requirement to get a date or to have sex.

Who decide that? Women.

Women with their actions, not with their words like getting outraged like an angry bitter hypocrite feminist.

So you gonna talk about actions.

Humanizing her is not essential, you can treat her like an object an absolutely get laid.

Weird thing is, if you have no romantic interest it's much easier to get to know them.

I mean, objectifying women is not an issue for men who want to get laid, so, doesn't that mean women are at fault?

Additionally, playing somewhat hard to get/distant works.

Because they wonder "why?".

And because they wonder "why?" and you don't fail for their traps, they want you.


It kind of dissapoints me that if you enthusiastically show interest to a woman, they're kinda blown off. But if you're aloof and play games, they're all over you. If you're distant and such. Makes you wonder if they are really trustworthy.

I do much better when the women in question think I'm some sort of player that has all the experience.

This isn't really healthy or "womanly" according to blue pill. But it is what it is. It’s the reality.

P4. Respect

On other hand, giving yourself would indicate also a certain sense (even if there’s not) of desperation, leading the other party to wonder what’s wrong.

Respect (like imposing, stating your mind, doing exactly what you did) earns you the respect of women for some reason.

Standing up to them can make them more attracted to you.


P5. Disagree with the woman.

It really makes sense if you think about it, women want a man they can respect, how can they respect them if he’s not willing to stand up to them?

If he can’t stand up to them, how on earth can he let alone stand up to other men?

Women want a man they disagree with.

They hate it.

But they would love to have sex with that man.

Like the feminists with double standards I was talking about.

Disagreement is good with women.

But you also have to look good.

To be a worthy catch. To be someone attractive in the mirror. The disagreement is the personality part, but personality can only get you so far without a psysique to match it up.

Be a Chad so to speak. Both physically and mentally.

But of course they will never fully admit it. But follow their actions not their word. That’s the trick.

Women love to argue, they love drama.

But they would never fully admit it.

But that's what they want.

And they feel happy in such an environment, strangely enough.

P6. Contradictory Nature

But it may not be their fault, there was a study, that unlike men, women don’t know what arouses them.

Like they can feel aroused, but they can’t indentify the cause in the same instinctual way that men do.

So they make associations, mental associations consciously in their mind, usually pointing out to the wrong thing than the thing that actually aroused them.

Women don’t know exactly what arouses them, follow the blue pill but be a Chad, and disagree. You just got to understand their nature, which is contradictory at times, they want the opposite thing of what they say they want.

And not because they lie, but because they truly believe so.

Like Lucifer, you know the series Lucifer? Lucifer is a dick, but all girls are dead after him, and after that show. Why? because he's a dick. They love that dick part of himself. But would never admit to themselves.

It’s funny how the playboys do exactly that.

But they are “bad” except for when it comes 1 to 1 with a woman.

Like Andrew Tate, he’s a “dick” but he has no shortage of women as far as I can tell.


While Jeffry/Eugene on the corner who is a nice guy and always respects women and always does what women are asking of him, seems to have a big problem with getting women, I wonder what could be the case?

It could be his personality? Yes, it’s exactly his personality because he always listens to women, on what women want.

They want to lie to themselves in a way, that I don't like bad boys but they do.

They don’t like bad boys as a principle, they do like bad boys that are right in front of them. Even abusive men who ‘disrespect’ is a mild word for what they are doing to them, get more girls than absolute virgin nerds. I wonder why that is?

If we look at the extreme, it seems women lean more into the disagreement and disrespect camp than the other.

P7. Single Moms

Look at single moms. The embodyment of what is to be a failed woman. They went for a red pill alpha who slept with them and left them. And now they think “all men are pigs” and want all men to be blue-pilled because of their fuck up in life.

Simply not being able to take responsibility for your own decisions and then blaming others on them.

Cleary she either: slept around or picked a bad husband.

Both terrible choices for women.

Women pick more with what they are attracted than with the head.

But now this failed single mom is this baron if virtue. This paragon of virtue who knows what is best.

Despite lacking virtue herself.


So yeah, if you want to be good at dates, just understand that women have a contradictory nature.

And do the opposite of what they mean, the dick, the disagreement, is good.

As long as you also hot. You can hit the gym for that.

If you aren’t ripped, don’t have a cool haircut, your facial hair isn’t okay, don’t shave yourself or use parfume, you can never say that you’ve already maxed your looks and there’s nothing you can do about it. And this is just the base.

There’s this woman on Youtube, Pearl, she's really a Pearl, based woman, no BS approach, tells exactly like it is.

P8. Best Way To Do The Opposite

It makes a lot of sense, same with how women naturally start to imitate their close man over time and let 'him' make the decision (whilst at same time believing they are the dominate ones) lol.

If you get a “Chad treatment” from a woman, she will eventually start to have the same opinions as you, no longer disagree. That’s when you think she wants you. Because of the disagreement.

The disagreement may have caused it, but now she molds after you, she gives you Chad treatment, that’s when she wants you.


Funny how they have such a contradictory nature.

And the best way to be succesful with women is to not listen to them, like, say what they mean, and then do the exact opposite.

Then boom, instant Chad. Because you’re not following their advice but do the exact opposite.

You’re suddenly charmy, witty, etc. You break boundaries and they like that.

You don’t always listen to them or do what they want and they like that.

If you do the opposite and always do as they ask they get bored of you.

P9. Don’t be Boring

Pretty much, combine the good and bad, hot and cold.

About boring.

The best thing is to be funny. Is the coolest thing. Because people don't get bored of you. If you are funny, you can even hook while ugly.

But ideal has to come from both sides, if only one of you is funny the thing is not funny anymore. Ok, is still funny but not as funny anymore.

  1. Be funny.

  2. Don't brag with the money, brag with the result of the money. Not how much money you make, but what you did with those money, I got a car of 50.000 rather than I have an income of 50.000.

Better to make her feel angry, bitter (these are good emotions on occasion).

Make her feel all sort of emotions and she won’t be bored.


Not only happy but: happy, mad, annoyed, excited, irritated, etc.

Women don’t want to be happy, women want to experience all sort of emotions. Sure, be on the positive spectrum, ideally 60% on the positive, but you must definetly have an up to 40% negative.

Don’t make her feel miserable that she hates you, but make her feel miserable that she is interested in you by combining it with the good. Overall positive, but a lot of positive and negative. Like Lucifer that they like.

P10. Violence, looks, the Nerd/Stud

Women really want to inherently experience the entire emotional range, to feel alive.

That’s what they like about a man.

When he makes them experience all of that.

That’s why “nice guy” is even a thing.

Have you ever heard a guy complaining about a “nice woman”? no, it doesn’t work like that.

Sure, feminists try to mask it with virtue singaling that “nice guys” are actually obsessive people who won’t take a no, and some are, but the overwhelming majority of nice guys are really genuinely nice guys who are just boring.

But hey, that’s a problem with women. But they want to you be exactly that same problem. The blue pilled man.

People want to feel emotions. Good or bad, emotions are emotions.

Like a slot machine.

If you don't make them feel anything, either good or bad, they get bored of you, easily.

The more emotions she feel around you the better, the bigger the range of emotions the better.

So don’t respect women if you want to get laid.

Respect them as human beings but you got to be willing to break some boundaries and do what they do not want and they will like you exactly because of that.

Don’t hate the player hate the game. It’s the women who respond to these rules, they weren’t made up randomly, and the feminist alternative is just something that women don’t respond to so their solution is stupid and will guarantee your end up a simp for the rest of your life. Thinking you just need to simp harder to get the woman.

Reminds me of that comedian, he said how a feminist said “all this violence is disgusting.. fuck me!”.

Typical woke woman spotted.

The comedian argument is the best.

They hate that, but they will also sleep with that.

If you also have looks you're king.

I've seen my share of nice guys (non-TM) who would make great boyfriends on paper, they have good paying jobs, are nice, are decent, and respectful. But couldn't get a girlfriend. As well as of assholes who would make terrible boyfriends, husbands, everything, yet have tons of women to pick from. And often take advantage of that, at the cost of the woman.

Funny how women who get into abusive relationships blame men but they got into those abusive relationships in the first place.

There’s some mature women there too: The women who don't get attracted to a bad guy just because he is hot. The women who are more realistic. The women who know that you can't have an anaconda for a pet and expect him not to eat you. The women who know that you can't have your cake and eat it too. Those women, and I've seen cases, are actually disgusted by bad boys, not attracted to them. It's like they know, where as others don't.

That’s a high value quality woman, and wife material.

But there’s also the other women, you know the type, who blames responsibility on others.

I'm not saying "go for the nerd". Women still want masculine men after all (in spite of what feminists say), this is why we have cases of "too many bad boys being with women" not "too many nerds being with women".

But it's clear that when given a choice between nerds & jocks. One who will is more of the traditional boyfriend which chocolate and such, bringing gifts like flowers & chocolate and love. "Puppy love" so to speak. And another who is hot. A subset of women will pick the latter. So how is this not the consequences of their action?

I picked a burrito, that burrito gave me indigestion. I picked the burrito from a shady shop and now I want all burrito banned because the burrito I picked in my own decision to go to that shady shop was bad. How is this not hypocrisy and refusing to take reponsability for your actions?

The jocks are usually way better looking than the nerds. And in personality they are more dynamic were as the nerds are more nice and quiet and in their place.

They are dynamic where as the other is more of the traditional boyfriend. So you could say that looks matter more than character. Who decides that? the women who pick them.

There’s looks. Then there’s character, bad boys as described above. Then there’s game. And only then, after all of that, after these 3 things. Are other stuff like emotional connection, having things in common, really getting each other. That the women consider “the main thing” but is really just the dessert.

They pick a man based on those 3 first things, and if they also have the other ones that they actually say they want is a nice to have. But they don’t actively go for emotional connection, having things in common, really getting each other.

They actively go for looks, the more dynamic character of bad boys as described above with breaking boundaries and challenging them and such, and game. Again, it’s their actions, not their words that count. If it works, it works.

P11. Questions about their Ideal Man and Sex

Women go for bad boys, and then they complain about men.

Make them feel emotions and they are yours.

So why not be one? Really? Why not be one realistically? So that women complain about it but if you were otherwise they would not get to sleep with you?

It seems like a total conflict of interest from the start. They want an army of simps not what is best for you so why listen to them?

Don't wear gloves, make them feel annoyed, incompetent, contradict them.

Don't be nice guy.

Be lucifer, be the jerk, and they are yours.

And on sex, well, they like wild sex for some reason, yes? where the man takes the initiative and does everything.

Kind of mirrors everything about them.

Except, what they are saying.


What they are saying is the opposite.

Like: are you triggered these guys exist? or these guys get laid?

When it comes to women being mad at the red pill.

Because it works, women hate it, but it works, they hate it because it works.

Because that's what they are.

That's deep down who they truly are and what they truly want.

That’s the female nature.


Like: women ask 10.000 questions about a Chad they like that treats them with cold and don't know what to do.

But do you see them asking tons of questions about a nice guy? a typical virgin tm?


Just look at women's forum.

It's full of posts like these.

Women getting the heats for the Chads.

And making voumes of 10.000 words about what those guys do and want.

While not caring not having in their radar the nice guys.

So why be a nice guy then? Why be a loser? When you can be a Chad?

Guys who basically treat them like crap, not fully, but figuratively so to speak.

P12. Woke Essay

It's in their nature, that's why red pill bad, because secretly it’s something they want they just don’t admit it.

But they would fuck a red pill guy, just never admit it, they hate the red pill, on paper.

But write essay of 10.000 words about guys practicing this.

P13. Like Lucifer

They write essay of 10.000 words about guys practicing this.

And there's always some 'dominance' there with men. With cold, with jokes, with rough sex, etc.

Like Lucifer, lol.